Tissues and its Functions

Combination of a group of similar or same kind of cells. They combine to work together to do a particular or specific job. For example,

a) EPITHELIA TISSUE is lining the internal organs of our body i.e. their function is to lining an organ that is these tissues covering the outside of the body organs, as well as inner suface of internal organs too. Epi-means outer.

b) MUSCLE TISSUE, two types of muscle tissues (voluntary and involuntary), voluntary muscles are controlling our arms and legs where the movement is voluntary i.e. movement is in our control. At the same time involuntary muscles is in our heart (CARDIAC MUSCLE-a specialized muscle found in the heart) and gastrointestinal system, and also other parts of the body too where the movement is involuntary i.e. not in our control.

c) CONNECTIVE TISSUE, blood, fat, cartilage, and bone are the examples of connective tissue, because they differ much from other tissues. CARTILAGE is an elastic fibrous tissue attached bones. There are two types of connective tissues a) LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUES b) DENSE CONNECTIVE TISSUES.

Loose connective tissues are found in the AREOLAR, ADIPOSE, AND RETICULAR AREAS.Dense connective tissues are found in the CARTILAGE, BLOOD, BONE, AND LYMPHATICS.

d) NERVE TISSUE: They conduct sensory and motor impulses from the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM to and fro all over the body.

Now you can understand what is a TISSUE and how they are spread all over the body and functioning in short... We will study them later extensively..


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