In this post we will learn about various bone disease conditions one by one. Okay. Osteomalacia: This is an abnormal condition of bones, in which the bones get soften by means of scarce quantity of calcium and other minerals in the bones. This condition is primarily happens because of rickets, a disease condition in childhood. In this condition, bones not succeed to get sufficient quantities of important minerals like phosphorous and calcium. As there is lack of essential minerals, bones turn out to be crook easily and become spongy, and so bend. Exostosis: It means a condition of bone in which a growth starts to occur on the outside of the bones. Ex- means out, -ostosis means an abnormal condition of bone. For example, a bunion is a puffiness or a bump on the big toe especially in the metatarsophalangeal joint in close proximity to the base. This bunion develops by way of growth of soft tissue and main bone. Osteo...