1. AD - Alzheimer's disease(dementia) 2. ADHD - Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 3. C.A. - Chronological age 4. CNS - Central Nervous system 5. DSM - Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 6. DT - Delirium tremens 7. ECT - Electroconvulsive therapy 8. I.Q. - Intelligent quotient. 9. LSD - Lysergic acid diethviamide (hallucinogen) 10. MAO - Monoamine oxidase 11. MA - Mental age 12. MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 13. PCP - Phencyclidine (hallucinogen) 14. SAD - Seasonal affective disorder 15. TAT - Thematic Apperception Test 16. THC - delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (active ingredient in marijuana) 17. WAIS - Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. 18. WISC - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Tags: outpatient psychiatry, WAIS, WISC, psychiatry disorders, psychiatry treatment, clinical terminology, psychiatric terms, training terminology, psychology terminology, ...