
Showing posts from January 31, 2010


ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS The route of administration of drugs can be used to determine the rate and completeness of its absorption into the bloodstream and the speed and duration of the drug. The route of administration of drugs can be broadly classified into four types. They are 1. Oral administration, 2. Sublingual administration, 3. Rectal administration, and 4. Parenteral administration These administration of drugs are briefly described below 1. Oral administration:- These drugs are given by mouth and they are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach or intestinal wall. People who have difficulty swallowing pills or capsules may find it easier to swallow the medication if they look up as they swallow. After swallowing pills people should be given sufficient amount of water so that to dissolve the solid medications. Sometimes it is also ineffective because whenever the drug is unable to pass through the intestinal mucosa. So there are s...


ANALGESICS:-  Analgesics are the drugs used to kill pain. They induce condition of near unconsciousness with the brain's interpretation of the signals. They may produce habit formation and tolerance. There are basically two kinds of analgesics. They are 1. Non-narcotics and 2. Narcotics. The best example for Non-narcotics analgesics is acetaminophen and for Narcotics analgesics is Morphine. Some of the drugs of non-narcotic drugs reduce fever, pain and inflammation in joint disorders. These agents are not steroid harmones and are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Examples of nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug are libuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Naprosen). ANESTHETICS:-  An anesthetic is an agent that reduces or eliminates sensation. If the affect is on the whole body then it is said to be general anesthetic or if the effect is on the particular region then it is said to be local anesthetic. Generally these anesthetics are used for surgical ...