
Showing posts from August 30, 2009

Cancer Formation

CARCINOGENESIS:   Carcin/o means cancer and -genesis means formation that is the conversion of a normal cell to a cancerous ell is called carcinogenesis.   We can understand the process of malignant conversion of a cell on the basis of genetic material called DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid of the cell. Filaments of DNA in the cell nucleus form chromosomes, which are simply seen from time to time during the development series of the cell. DNA has the power of not only in the production of new cells, but also the cell's capacity to breed. DNA is full of codes or programs called genes that guide the construction of new proteins called protein synthesis. When a cell splits, the DNA substance duplicates itself so that the identical DNA is passed to two new cells that are formed. This process is called mitosis or self-replication. Among cycles of replication, DNA doles out as the workstation program that guides the cell's vital functions. DNA drives a molecular note to th...


This is the continuation of the lesson mesothelioma diagnosis using many techniques. MEDIASTINOSCOPY TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Mediastinoscopy is now and then used to give support to in staging to know the extent of mesothelioma cancer. The distended inflamed nodes appear while by means of imaging techniques. LAPAROSCOPY TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Laparoscopy technique is used in patients with mesothelioma on the circumstances where imaging techniques put forward potential invasion of the tumor through the diaphragm. This in sequence know how to be imperative in assessing a patient for budding pleurectomy or extrapleural pneumonectomy. MESOMARK BLOOD TEST TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   SMRP is extended as Soluble Mesothelin-Related Peptide is a protein or a biomarker is released into the blood of a patient with mesothelioma by the cancer cells. The amount of SMRP in a blood sample is measured. This is an better option to monitor mesot...


This is the continuation of the lesson mesothelioma diagnosis using many techniques.  VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC SURGERY (VATS) TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) is used in the recent years is one of the good number far and wide used paraphernalia in the assessment of mesothelioma cancer. The biopsy samples of the nodules, pleural lining, masses, and pleural fluid can at present without difficulty be there gotten hold of using VATS, a simple invasive procedure. At the same time as, the supplementary therapies for example pleurodesis (talc) for pleural effusions consider to be done. At the same time as under general anesthesia of the patient a quite a lot of small incisions called ports are created through the chest wall. In this procedure the surgeon then inserts a small camera, via a scope, into one incision, and other surgical instruments used to retrieve tissue samples into the other incisions. By looking at a video sc...

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer Diagnosis Techniques - 2 - Lesson 97

This is the continuation of the lesson mesothelioma diagnosis using many techniques. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA: MRI scans are in the largest part over and over again used to establish the degree of growth of cancer earlier than any aggressive handling of the cancer. For the reason that MRI scans make available images in numerous planes. MRI scans are better have the ability to make out tumors as contrasting to normal structures. MRI scan technique is useful in analyzing a candidate whether he needs a surgery or not. MRI scans are more precise than CT scans in reviewing growth of the lymph nodes in the mediastinum those are between the two lungs. MRI scans give an obvious diaphragmatic surface. POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY (PET) SCAN TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Nowadays PET scan imaging is appropriate for the diagnosis and assessment of mesothelioma. At the same time as PET scans are high-priced than others and...


The analysis for mesothelioma is commonly attained with cautious evaluation of findings of both clinical and radiological results as well as to an authenticated biopsy of tissue affected.  An evaluation of medical history of the patient such as the past asbestos exposure if any is considered followed by a thorough physical examination of the patient. X-rays of the chest and abdomen is also done. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are also taken with a CT scan or MRI imaging studies with it. These procedures and tests may confirm the presence of mesothelioma factors in the body. A tissue biopsy will probably confirm mesothelioma. Imaging Techniques to diagnose Mesothelioma:There are more than a few imaging methods possibly will be helpful in the cases of presence of pleural effusion in cases who has the asbestos exposure occupationally or any other secondary exposures.At the same time as these imaging methods can be costly in reviewing the likelihood of mesothelioma, a state-o...