Attributes of Malignant Tumors and Benign Tumors - Lesson 95
Tumors or neoplasms are masses or growths that arise from normal tissues. They may be either malignant (progressive and lethal) or benign (not lethal and not progressive). There are several differences between benign and malignant tumors. Differences between a malignant tumors and benign tumors: Benign tumors grow slowly. Malignant tumors grow rapidly as their ells are multiplied speedily. Benign tumors are often encapsulated that is contained within a fibrous capsule or cover. So that the tumor cells do not invade the surrounding tissue. Malignant tumor growth is characteristically invasive and infiltrative extending beyond the tissue of origin into adjacent organs. Benign tumors are composed of highly organized and specialized that is differentiated cells, which closely resemble normal, mature tissue. Malignant tumors are composed of cancerous cells that resemble primitive or embryonic cells that do not have the capacity for mature cellular functions. These types of m...