
Showing posts from July 22, 2013

Parts of Speech - Verb and Auxiliary Verb

VERB: Every human being is doing some actions in the world always. These actions may happen in the past, present, or future. So we can define a verb as a word of any ACTION done by any human being. For example, GO, COME, TAKE, BATH, SEE. These words denote an action of a human being. Based on the time of action a verb can be classified as three such as PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. We will learn more about each of these in detail. AUXILIARIES AND AUXILIARY VERBS: Auxiliary verb is a word helping a verb. A verb cannot be separated from verb. Only one auxiliary can help at a time to a verb. List of Auxiliary verbs: Everyone is learning English grammar must memorize these auxiliaries like a song lines. IS, AM, WAS, HAS, HAVE, HAD, DO, DOES, DID, BE, BEEN, BEING, ARE, WERE, CAN, COULD, SHALL, SHOULD, WILL, WOULD, MAY, MIGHT, MUST, NEED, KEEP, KEPT, USED TO, OUGHT TO, GOING TO, DARE, NEVER As we already explained a verb cannot stand lonely, one auxiliary must ...