SUFFIXES 1. -gram means record Angiogram-Record or visual examination of vessels. Hysterosalpingogram Record of uterus or fallopian tubes. Myelogram is the record of spine i.e. bone marrow (Bone marrow). Pyelogram is the record of renal pelvis. 2. -graphy means process of. Computed tomography is the computerised recording axial images of the body organs. 3. -lucent means to shine. Radiolucent means indicating x-rays pass through easily i.e. complete transparent to x-rays or other forms of radiation. 4. -opaque means obscure. Radiopaque is the indication of something that does not allow x-rays to penetrate. 5. -supression means to stop. Myelosuppression is the hush-u of bone marrow from normal functions. 6. -therapy means treatment. Radiotherapy is the treatment using x-rays of radiation. PREFIXES 1. brachy- means short. Brachytherapy is the treatment method of using radiation from short distances. 2. cine- means...