
Showing posts from March 28, 2011

Rheumatoid Factor and Range of motion - Lesson 238

In this lesson, we are going again to continue to learn about the important musculoskeletal abbreviations. As a medical transcription online trainee, you have all the responsibilities of your own growth of your knowledge and skill in this field of your own self.   You should have a regular habit of revising your all lessons, improving typing skills on a daily basis, practicing dummy transcription files (it may be available anywhere online and I have a plan to put all these things in my own full-fledged website soon and I will announce good news soon), improving your medical terminology knowledge, and healthcare update news. Now we will see important musculoskeletal system abbreviations and their meanings one by one now. Okay. Come on. RF is an abbreviated form and it can be extended as rheumatoid factor.   Rheumatoid arthritis patients have this factor and the presence of this factor in those proves the existence of rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren’s syndrome in that pat...

Musculoskeletal System Important Abbreviations -2 - Lesson 237

This article continues the prior lesson Musculoskeletal System Important Abbreviations. It has the rest of the abbreviations of this system. From the next lesson, we are going to see the new system that is Integumentary System or Skin.   You guys, please go through all the lessons so far and make familiarized yourselves all the important medical terms of musculoskeletal system. IM is an abbreviated form of intramuscular, which means within muscle tissues.   Have you ever heard the intramuscular injection? That is in pharmacology a medicinal liquid is injected into a patient via subcutaneous tissues either in the hands or above the buttocks area or in any part of the body. Subcutaneous is the other synonym for the word intramuscular. The other abbreviation is LE cell, which means lupus erythematosus cell. It means a polymorphonuclear white blood cell that has swallowed a new cell’s nuclear substance subsequent to that cell has changed the natural qualities of that c...