
Showing posts from August 21, 2011

Abbreviations And Descriptions Of Diseases -- Lesson 258

In this post we would learn about some abbreviations and descriptions of diseases.  The abbreviation of bx is Biopsy, Derm. is Dermatology, PPD is Purified proteinderivative, PUVA is Psoralen-ultraviolet A light therapy, SLE is Systematic lupus erythematosus, DLE is Discoid lupus erythematosus, subq is subcutaneous. The descriptions of some of the diseases are: 1. Candidiasis: [Candidiasis means yeast-like fungus]: This fungus is generally present on mucous membranes, skin, and vaginal mucosa. Under such conditions (more warmth; administration of birth control pills, antibiotics and corticosteroids; debilitated states; infancy), and it can turn to a pathogen and cause localized or generalized mucocutaneous disease. The examples of such are paronychial lesions, lesions in areas of the body where (groin, perianal, axillary, inframammary, and interdigital), rubbing opposed surfaces is common, thrush (white plaques attached to oral or vaginal mucous membranes), and vulvovaginiti...