
Showing posts from August 3, 2009


This lesson is the continuation of urinary system disease conditions. 5. Polycystic kidneys: There are manifold liquefied pouches or cysts formed inside the kidneys. This is a genetic condition that typically stays behind asymptomatic or no symptom revealed until one's adult life. The symptoms in the adult life reveals this condition are enlargement of the kidneys (nephromegaly), hematuria (blood in the urine), UTI (urinary tract infection), uremia, and hypertension. 6. Pyelonephritis: This is a disease condition caused by a bacteria due to the inflammation of the renal pelvis in the kidneys. Pus is collected in the renal pelvis as tiny abscesses. The symptom of this disease is pyuria that is excretion of pus in the urine. Surgical repair is needed to remove the obstructions and antibiotics are the treatment options for this disease condition. 7. Kidney failure or renal failure: In this disease condition kidneys fail to send out urine. Nitrogenous wastes and some acids ar...


1. Bright's Disease or Glomerulonephritis: Inflammation of the kidneys. This is of two types such as, acute glomerulonephritis and chronic glomerulonephritis. When bacteria named Streptococcus infect kidneys, the symptoms will appear after 10 to 15 days. This will cure spontaneously. But if it persists for a longtime that is called chronic glomerulonephritis. This is a serious pathological condition. Symptoms of chronic disease are high blood pressure, albuminuria, kidney failure, and uremia. In more serious conditions kidney transplant and dialysis are needed. 2. Interstitial Nephritis: Renal tubules in the kidneys are connected by connective tissues called renal interstitium. When these tissues are infected that condition is called interstitial nephritis. Symptoms of this condition are fever, eosinophilia, skin rash, and poor kidney function. Corticosteroids are the anti-inflammatory drugs useful to cure this disease. 3. Nephrotic syndrome: Syndrome is a group of symptoms....


This lesson continues the prior lesson Urinalysis.6. Pus: Presence of pus in the urine is called pyuria. The urine is turbid or gloomy in color. This condition is due to the presence of more white blood cells in the urine. White blood cells are called leukocytes. Bacterial infection of the kidney or urinary bladder is the reason for this condition. 7. Glucose: Renal tubules in the kidney are unable to reabsorb the sugars from the urine and so more sugars excreted. This condition is called glycosuria. When the sugar is more in the blood this condition is called hyperglycemia. Glycosuria is a symptom of diabetes mellitus.8. Sediment: Urine is residuous or sedimentuous when it contains the red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, bacteria, and crystals. The presence of these materials in the urine is a disease condition. Specific Gravity: This is a test of urine density. This density is compared with water density and the difference says the nature of the urine. Neph...


In the next lesson we will learn about Urinalysis. Urinalysis is an examination to ascertain the occurrence of any abnormal chemical substances in the urine. There are 10 types of tests are there for the urine to determine it is contaminated or infected. They are of as following: 1. Color 2. Bilirubin 3. pH 4. Phenylketonuria (PKU) 5. Protein 6. Pus or Pyruia 7. Glucose 8. Sediments 9. Glucose 10. Ketone bodies Now we will see about one by one in details. 1. Color: Straw color or Amber color is the normal color of the urine. If urine contains more water then it will be colorless or wishy-washy in appearance. Abnormal urine would be of cloudy in color or may be red in color with blood. Some food or drugs we intake may change sometimes the color of the urine too that is not a consideration or abnormality. 2. Bilirubin: Bilirubin is a substance created when hemoglobin is broken down in the blood. This material may be excreted in the urine may be a symptom of gallbladd...