1. Amyl/o means starch-amylase is the enzyme digests starch. 2. Bil/i means bile or gall-bilary is pertaining to bile. Biliary tract consists of liver and gallbladder and the hepatic duct, cystic duct, and the common bile duct that secrete and empty the bile into the duodenum. 3. Bilirubin/o means bilirubin or bile pigment-hyperbilirubinemia is the excessive secretion of bilirubin in the blood. 4. Chol/e means gall or bile-cholelithiasis is the abnormal condition of stone in the bile. 5. Gluc/o means sugar or glucose-glucolysis the process of converting the stored glucose into energy. 6. Glycogen/o means glycogen or animal-glycogenolysis is the breaking down of glycogen. 7. Lith/o means stone-cholecystolithiasis is the abnormal condition of stone in the gallbladder. 8. Lip/o means fat-lipoma is the benign neoplasm of fat tissue consists of mature fat cells. 9. Sial/o means saliva or salivary-sialolith is the stone in the salivary glands. 10. Steat/o means fat-steato...