
Showing posts from November 17, 2016

Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Medical Terms

After a gap of a few months our blog is updated with a new lesson update.  Here onwards, new lessons will be updated frequently on a regular basis of 2 days interval. In this lesson, we will see about some important medical terms are used in Ear, Nose, and Throat are of medicine on a day-to-day basis whenever we handle medical transcription job as a profession. 1.  Pulse oximetry - A device used to detect oxygen (O2) in the blood stream of a patient. 2.  Hyperventillation:  Excessive breathing consumption by a patient in particular period of time. 3.  Salivary amylaze:  An enzyme is produced in saliva of a human being to digest carbohydrates of food materials consumed. 4.  Mastication:  It is the process of chewing of a food. 5.  Buccal mucosa:  Inner layer of the mucous membrane of the mouth. 6.  Lingual:  Pertaining to tongue. 7.  Hypoxemia:  A condition of reduced oxygen in a patient's...