
Showing posts from July 30, 2009


In this lesson we will see normal composition of urine chemical composition. 1. Color of the urine: Slightly yellow or straw colored. 2. Quantity of the urine: Normally is 1000 to 1500 ml/24 hours. 3. Specific gravity of the urine: 1.008 to 1.030. 4. pH value: 5.5 to 6.5. 5. Sugar: 0.015% (total sugar per day 7.20 gm/24 hours) 6. Nitrogen and amino acids: 0.15-0.30 gm/24 hours 7. Urea: 12 gm to 35 gm in 24 hours 8. Ammonia: 0.6 gm to 1.2 gm in 24 hours 9. Creatinine: 0.8 gm to 2.0 gm in 24 hours 10. Uric acid: 0.3 gm to 0.8 gm in 24 hours 11. Hippuric acid: 0.7 gm in 24 hours 12. Chlorides: 10 gm to 15 gm in 24 hours 13. Phosphorus: 1.2 gm in 24 hours 14. Sulphur: 1 gm in 24 hours 15. Ethereal: 0.1 gm in 24 hours 16. Sodium: 2.5 gm to 4 gm in 24 hours 17. Calcium: 0.1 gm to 0.3 gm in 24 hours 18. Potassium: 1.5 gm to 2.0 gm in 24 hours 19. Magnesium: 0.1 gm to 0.2 gm In the next post we will see more about Urinary System suffixes an...


In this lesson we will see about the process of filtration of kidneys.  Kidneys manufacture urine by a process called filtration. Each microscopic glomerulus wall is thin enough to allow water, sugar, salt, urea, and other nitrogenous wastes like uric acid and creatinine to go away the bloodstream. These materials going away from each glomerulus are accumulated in a minuscule cup-like structure called Bowman's capsule, which encloses each glomerulus. The walls of the glomeruli check large substances like proteins and blood cells from filtering into the Bowman's capsules. These substances stay behind in the blood and normally do not come into view in urine. Renal tubule is a long twisted tube attached to the Bowman's capsule. These tubules are covered by tiny capillaries. When the water, sugar, urea, salts and other nitrogenous wastes pass through these renal tubules, all of the sugar and most of the water and some salts go again to the bloodstream. This process is ...


In this lesson we will learn about production of urine by urinary system.  The process of production of urine starts from the blood entry to the kidney. Blood enters into each kidney from two arteries such as the right and left renal arteries (both arteries in combination called aorta). The blood enters into the kidneys through the renal arteries through the hilum a depression inside the core of the kidney and the arteries branch into smaller and smaller arteries. The smallest arteries are called arterioles. These are situated all the way through the cortex. Blood constantly move across these small arterioles. This flow is very crucial. Kidneys have their own special device to maintain this blood flow consistently. If blood pressure falls, the flow of blood is diminished. Kidney produces a hormone called renin and released it into the blood. This hormone stimulates the narrowing or contraction of arterioles and so blood pressure increased and blood flow in the kidneys is r...


ANATOMY OF THE URINARY SYSTEM:  Urinary system anatomy organs consists of Kidneys (two), Ureters (two), Urinary Bladder, and Urethra. KIDNEYS:  Two bean-shaped organs located at the back of the abdominal cavity i.e. retroperitoneal area, which is on moreover side of the vertebral column in the lumbar region of the spine. The kidneys are fixed and set in a cushion of adipose tissue and surrounded by fibrous connective tissue for safeguard. The size of each kidney is fist-sized approximately and about 4 to 6 ounces of weight of each. The kidneys consist of an outer cortex region (cortex means outer portion or bark or a tree) and an inner medulla region (medulla means core or inner portion). Hilum is a depression in each kidney on the medial margin of the kidney through which only blood vessels and nerves pass. URETERS: Each kidney has on long about 16 to 18 cm muscular tubes lined with mucous membrane. The put across the urine in peristaltic waves from the kidney ...