
Showing posts from February 11, 2010


In this lesson we will learn about the classes of Drugs: 1. ACE inhibitor:- It lowers blood pressure. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors block the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II which is a powerful vasoconstrictor. 2. Amphetamine:- It is a Central nervous system stimulant. 3. Analgesic:- Drug which stops pain. 4. Anesthetic:- Drug which reduces or takes out sensation. 5. Antacid:- Drug which is Gastrointestinal that neutralizes acid in the stomach. 6. Antianginal:- A drug which stops angina which means chest pain due to enough flow of blood to the heart muscle. 7. Antiarrhythmic:- A cardiovascular drug which helps to restore heart rhythm to a regular cycle. 8. Antibiotic:- A chemical substance produced by a plant or microorganism, that has the ability to inhibit or kill foreign organisms in the body. 9. Anticoagulant:- Clotting of blood is prevented by the drug. 10. Anticonvulsant:- Convulsions of blood is prevente...


In this post we will learn about the general medical terms of pharmacology and their definitions General terms and their meanings 1. Addictive action:- An action in which two similar drugs is equal to the sum of the effects of each drug. 2. Aerosol:- Drug particles which are suspended in air. 3. Antidote:- Agent given to counteract an unwanted effect of a drug. 4. Anaphylaxis:- An extensive level of hypersensitivity reaction of the body to a drug or foreign organism. 5. Brand name:- A commercial name for a drug trade name. 6. Chemical name:- A drug's chemical formula 7. Contraindications:- Prevention of particular drug or treatment for the patient's condition. 8. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):- For enforcing the proper drug manufacture and clinical use the Governmental agency is having the legal responsibility. 9. Generic name:- A drug's legal noncommercial name. 10. Iatrogenic:- In...