Medical Terminology Course
This is the continuation of medical terminology lesson prior to this post. Now, we will see more important medical terms used in medial transcription field. 1. Mono - One or single 2. Poly- - More than one 3. Hema- - Pertaining to blood 4. Intra- - Within 5. Hyper- - Above excessive 6. Nephro- - Pertaining to kidneys 7. -opsy - To view 8. Ichthyo- - Pertaining to fish 9. -ectomy - Excisin of part or all of an organ 10. Myelo- - Pertaining to spinal cord 11. -plexy - A stroke or seizure 12. Myo- - Pertaining to muscle 13. Neo- - New 14. Infra- - Situated below or beneath 15. Pseudo- - False In the next post, we will learn more medial terminology suffixes and prefixes. Okay. Home Page Tags: medical terminology course, medical terminology dictionary, medical dictionary, medical term, medical terminology online, medical termin...