
Showing posts from September 18, 2013

Universal Auxiliaries

Check out this product to Speak English confidently. Unique product with hundreds of situational conversations  Let us know about universal auxiliaries. So far we have learnt about 14 tenses and the formation of sentences. Now we would come to learn three pure auxiliaries. The three pure auxiliaries are will, shall and be which are used in future tense.But there are still 17 more pure auxiliaries left. They are CAN, MIGHT, MAY, SHOULD, COULD, WOULD, MUST, NEVER, USED TO, DARE, NEED, KEEP, KEPT, OUGHT TO, GOING TO, BEING and BEEN.  These 17 auxiliaries are also known as UNIVERSAL AUXILIARIES because they are used for all persons and they do not belong to any particular tense. We can use them in more than one tense. Some of the universal auxiliaries will require the help of other auxiliaries.Let us briefly know about each of the auxiliaries:1. CAN Inorder to show the ability or capacity to do a work this “can” should be used. We do not use can in cases where there is no re...