Degenerative Eye Diseases - Lesson 274
In the previous lessons, we have studied a list of eye diseases with eye diseases in children, and diabetic eye diseases. In this post, we will learn about retinitis pigmentosa and strabismus. As a medical transcription learner, you should know about these two diseases. In all the ENT medical files, you will hear about these medical terminologies often. This lesson concludes with these two diseases and we will learn about ENT clinical procedures from the next post. As of we have studied common pathological conditions of the eye, such as cataract, chalazion, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, hordoleum or stye, macular degeneration, and retinal detachment. Please read again those posts once again and memorize all the terms. Retinitis Pigmentosa: This is a very bad disease kind of the eye. It may lead to incurable blindess to the eye. Retinitis pigmentosa is termed in short as RP. If a patient is affected with this disease, he or she may get blindness in nights...