
Showing posts from November 28, 2009


1. Aleveol/o- means a small bag or a sac Alveolar means pertaining to a small bag. 2. Cac/o- means dreadful or bad Cachexia means ill health and underfeeding. This may happen after a chronic disease. -hexia means habit. 3. Carcin/o- means cancer or cancerous. Carcinoma in situ means a cancer confined to a small area. 4. Cauter/o- means burn or heat. Electrocauterization is a process of burning with electricity. 5. Chem/o- means chemical substance or a drug. Chemotherapy is a treatment method of cancer using chemical substances i.e. drugs. 6. Cry/o- means cold or ice. Cryotherapy is a treatment method of cancer using cold or ice in a fluid bag. 7. Fibr/o- means fibers. Fibrosarcoma is a type of cancer of fibers and flesh portion of the body. 8. Follicul/o- means tiny glandular bags or sacs. Follicular is pertaining to small glandular sacs or pouches or bags. 9. Fung/o- means fungus or yeast or toadstool or mushroom. Fungating tumor is a tumor that appears li...


1. -blast means undeveloped or not fully formed. Osteoblast is the undeveloped bone cells. 2. -oma means tumor or bunch. Neuroma is the tumor of the nerve cells. 3. -plasia means creation or development. Hyperplasia is disproportionate or extreme development of a cell. 4. -plasm means development or growth. Neoplasm is new growth or development of a cell. 5. -therapy means management. Radiotherapy is the management of cancer using beams of x-rays. CANCER MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY-IMPORTANT PREFIXES 1. ana- means toward the back or rearward. Anaplasia means backward growth of a cell. 2. apo- means off or not there. Apoptosis is the peter out or fade out. 3. epi- means upon or ahead. Epidermoid means the cells resembling epidermal tissue. 4. Meta- means away from or outside. Metastasis means spread away of a growth of a cell outside the limit. In the next post we will learn about Important Cancer Lab Tests. Okay. Come on. To go to the next lesson from here p...


In this post we will study about different laboratory tests done to diagnose cancer one by one. Okay. 1. Acid phosphatase-This is an enzyme brings into being in lofty intensity in the blood of patients who has prostate cancer. 2. Alpha-fetoprotein test- This test is useful in find out the occurrence of alpha-fetoprotein in the serum of the patient who has testicular or liver cancer. 3. beta-HCG test- This test is useful in finding out the occurrence of HCG or human chorionic gonadotrophin in the serum of the blood of the patients who has cancer in their testicles. 4. CA-125- The patients who has cancer in ovaries i.e. ovarian cancer has a protein material that is from the cell exterior portion. This is produced by the cancer cells that produce cancer in the ovaries. 5. CEA test- This test is useful in discovering CEA or carcinoembryonic antigen in the blood of the patients who have cancer in their gastrointestinal tract or GI tract. 6. Estrogen receptor or Estradiol receptor As...


PROSTATE CANCER STAGING: What is staging? Prostate cancer assessment is vital in finding out the stage of it. By this examination the depth of spread of cancer is found out. This is called cancer staging. Awareness of the stage would be of greatly helpful in classify the prospects and also advantageous at what time decide on using chemotherapies or radiation therapies or surgery. TNM staging system:  Most commonly a staging system is used nowadays called four-stage TNM system (T means tumor, N means nodes, and M means metastases). The elements of this staging system comprise of the dimension or extent of the tumor, the number of concerned lymph nodes, and the occurrence of metastases of any. Aim of Staging Method:  The ultimate aim of any staging is to confirm whether or not the cancer is still limited to the prostate. Up to T1 and T2 levels of prostate cancers the spread of cancer found merely in the prostate, but in the T3 and T4 level of cancers the spread is aw...


What prostate?  Prostate is a gland of chestnut in shape, which surrounds the foundation of the urethra (a canal which shows the say on or after the bladder that releases the urine outwardly and ejaculates semen during sex) in the male. The prostate gland is a component of the male reproductive organ that lends a hand to creat and stock up seminal fluid. For the reason that of its location, prostate often gets infection or any other illnesses and over and over again and which have an effect on urination, ejaculation, and on the odd occasion defecation. The prostate is full of many small glands and which put together approximately 20% of the fluid adding up to semen. When this gland takes part in cancer, the cells of these glands transmute and hooked on into cancer cells. The prostate glands need of androgen (common phrase for an hormone agent which excites activity of the accessory male sex organs and promotes growth of male sex uniqueness and this is a by-product of and...