
Showing posts from 2012

Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome - Lesson 326

Cushing Syndrome is the topic matter we are going to deal today in the series of endocrine gland abnormalities. What is Cushing's Syndrome? It is an abnormal condition of accumulation of excess of secretion of a hormone called cortisol in the body. This may happen because of over consumption of corticosteroid medications or by other factors like other steroid hormones. Cushing's syndrome can be felt by some symptoms of excessive cortisol secretion by adrenal cortex in the kidneys. Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome:  Onset of obesity, fullness of human face like a moon, buffalo hump, hyperglycemia, excessive sodium in the blood, low potassium level in the blood, osteoporosis and increase of blood pressure are the overt symptoms of Cushing's syndrome. Causes of Cushing's Syndrome:  Excessive ACTH secretion leads to this condition and this may happen due to any abnormal growth or tumor on the adrenal cortex. Tests to identify Cushing's Disease:  Serum co...

Virilization and Endocrine Glands - Lesson 325

Virilization is the topic matter of today's lesson in the series of endocrine glands abnormal conditions. Today we will see about virilization or adrenal virilism.  This is an abnormal condition of excessive secretion of the hormone androgen by adrenal cortex of the kidneys. Causes of Adrenal Virilism:  The common reason for the excessive secretion of androgen is hyperplasia of adrenal cortex or may be due to a growth of a tumor on adrenal cortex. Virilization or adrenal virilism is commonly found in adult women. Symptoms of adrenal virilism:  Common symptoms of virilization in female is no regular mensus or amenorrhea, excessive growth of hair in face and body in women, voice deepening or any formation of acne in the skin. Treatment for Adrenal Virlism: Common treatment for adrenal virilism is to administer drugs to reduce the production of androgen or in  serious conditions, the adrenal cortex with abnormal growth of tumor may be surgically removed by ...

Parathyroid Gland Disorders - 324

Parathyroid gland disorders is the topic matter of this post. In this article, we will see about the main abnormal conditions of parathyroid gland, such as, hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism.  Parathyroid gland is one of the important gland that is with thyroid gland. These are two small glands that are present inside the neck. They are two important endocrine glands that produce parathyroid hormone. The main function of parathormone is to control the level of calcium inside bones and bloodstream.  A grain-sized four small glands present superiorly and inferiorly on each side of thyroid of two is the parathyroid gland. When these glands fail to secrete or secrete less or more parathormone, human body will be affected with some abnormal conditions. We will see what are they now. Hyperparathyroidism: This is an abnormal condition of secreting excessive parathormone. When they secrete more, the level of calcium in the blood and bones increase, which is an abnormal ...

Thyroid Cancer and Surgery - Lesson 323

Thyroid Cancer is the topic matter of this post. We will learn about another important abnormal condition of thyroid gland that is carcinoma or cancer of thyroid glands. We will learn briefly about how cancer forms, spreads inside the gland and outside, and what is the treatment methods. In general, there are two types, such as, benign tumors and carcinomas. In these, adenomas in thyroid are benign tumor types. Adenomas are not dangerous like thyroid carcinomas. Carcinomas are malignant cancer formation inside thyroid glands. Some cancers may develop somewhat in a slow manner, but other types may develop somewhat faster, and some may spread cancer to the adjacent areas too from the origin of cancer area. Thyroid adenomas Vs Thyroid Carcinomas:  How can we differentiate a thyroid adenoma from thyroid cancer. When we check for cancers using radioactive iodine tracer, the specialists can differentiate them and identify they type of cancer by reading them. Benign tumor sites in t...

Hypothyroidism Causes and Symptoms - Lesson 322

Hypothyroidism - Today we are going to see about one of the topic about endocrine gland abnormal conditions. What is the meaning of hypothyroidism? It means now secretion or production of thyroid hormones inside the thyroid glands. These glands are present inside the neck. Simply hypothyroidism is a state of under activity of the thyroid glands. What are the most common reasons for hypothyroidism? The causes for hypothyroidism is not bounded to a single reason. It may happen due to several conditions, such as, surgical removal of whole or partial removal of thyroid glands by thyroidectomy, another abnormal state of endemic goiter, or due to any destructive conditions of thyroid glands, such as, irradiation etc. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism: All abnormal conditions inside human body is expressed outside by any one or combination of some symptoms. The most common symptoms of hypothyroid state are fatigue, sluggishness of mind and muscles, and/or constipation. We will now see about tw...

Hyperthyroidism Treatment - Lesson 321

Updating a new post on free medical transcription course blog after an one and half month gap. The delay in posting is due to some personal reasons. Today we are going to see about hyperthyroidism. We are now following abnormal conditions of endocrine system. As we read hyper- means high or overactive, -thyroidism means condition of thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism means higher secretion of thyroid hormone secretion above its normal condition. This state is also termed as overactive thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones are thyroxine, triiodothyronine and thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is another condition, which is opposite to hyperthyroidism with less functioning thyroid gland or less production of thyroid hormones. The other name of hyperthyroidism in medical terms is Grave's disease. It is also termed as thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid gland is formed by glandular cells named as thyroid parenchyma cells. Due to the high growth of thyroid parenchyma glandular cells more production of ...

Goitre - Causes of Thyroid Problems - Lesson 320

What causes thyroid problems? There are many abnormal conditions that causes thyroid problems. One of the abnormal condition of thyroid is goiter. What is goiter? Goiter is an abnormal state of enlargement of the thyroid gland. This is not a symptom for any one disease. Goiter may be a reflection of more than one disease conditions. There are two kinds of goiters, such as endemic goiter and nodular or adenomatous goiter. Now we will see about each goiter types one by one. Endemic Goiter: Endemic means inside. We will see what causes this thyroid problem now. This is meant as goiter inside. Endemic goiter occurs in a patient because of a deficiency condition of iodine in the food of the patient. When this forms, a celluloid material, which seems like a gel is collected in the thyroid gland. This collection of celluloid liquids makes the gland big in size. This is an expression of struggle of the body to compensate the less iodine in the body. Endemic goiter can be cured by the int...

Physiology of Cells - Lesson 319

This is about physiology of cells, all should know about this topic very clearly of what are the nuts and bolts of a cell. The topics covered here are cytoplasm, golgi bodies, diffusion, filtration process of cells, phagocytosis, cytopenesis, and cilia. All medical transcription learners should know about physiology of a cell. We will see about one by one now. 1. Cytoplasm: The portion of the protoplasm outside the nucleus of cells is called as cytoplasm. 2. Golgi Bodies: These are complex packages secretions for export from the cell and golgi bodies producer lysosomes. 3. Diffusion Process: This is the process of movement of ions from regions of higher to lower concentration. 4. Filtration: This is the process by which a substance is forced through a membrane by hydrostatic pressure. 5. Phagocytosis: The process of white cells in getting other substances is phagocytosis. 6. Cytopenesis: The duplication of chromosomes prior to cell division of cy...

Important Suffixes and Prefixes Used in Medical Transcription - Lesson 318

Today we will see about important suffixes and prefixes that are used in medical transcription field commonly on a daily basis. Every transcriptionist must memorize these words with its meanings. Next two posts will follow  this topic. I am going to add more videos hereafter for each topic. Many new changes will happen soon in our blog. We need your support as usual. Now we will see important suffixes and prefixes used in medical transcription one by one now. 1. -tomy means cutting or incision 2. -graphy means process of writing or recording 3. -oligo means scany or deficient 4. -logy means study of 5. super- means above or excessive 6. -uria means pertaining to urine 7. inter- means between 8. -pathy means disease 9. post- means after 10. -plasia means development or growth 11. -algia means painful condition 12. -osis means an abnormal condition 13. -rrhea means discharge 14. meno- means pertaining to menses 15. crypto- ...

Endocrine Terms - Lesson 317

Today we will see about some important endocrine medical terms. These terms are very much important about endocrine system. Studying about these important terms are really helpful when listening these terms while doing training files or while doing live files. Read the terms and understand the meaning of each clearly. We will see about some important hormones related to the endocrine systems too in this lesson. We will see about catacholamines, vasopressin,corticosteroids,glucocortcoid, and mineralocorticoid.  Catacholamines: These are important hormones that are derived from an amino acide. Catacholamines are produced by adrenal medulla. The best example for a catacholamine is epinephrine. Vasopressin: This hormone is secreted by the back lobe or postrerior lobe of the pituitary gland. This area of the brain is also named as neurohypophysis. The another name of vasopressin is antidiuretic hormone. Corticosteroids: These are hormones that are p...

Medical Transcription Important Units - Lesson 316

This post is the continuation of the lesson 314 of Important Medical Transcription Units. Please memorize these units by reading them. All units are very important one when you do live transcription work or any other dummy files for transcription training. The next lesson will also be the continuation of this lesson. 1. IU - Internation Unit 2. IV - Intravenous 3. J- Joule 4. K - Kelvin 5. kg - kilogram 6. km - kilometer 7. L - litre 8. lb.- pound 9. m - metre 10. mA - milli ampere 11. mcg - microgram 12. mCi - millicurie 13. mEq/l - milli equivalent/litre 14. mg - millgram 15. mg/cc - milligram/cubic centimetre 16. mIu - milli internation units 17. mL - milli litre 18. mg/kg - milligram/kilogram 19. mmol - millimole 20. mOsm - milliosmol In the next post, we will see more important prefixes and suffixes. Okay. Home Page: To go to the prior post, please click the link below. htt...

Medical Transcription Suffixes and Prefixes - Lesson 315

In this lesson, we will see about important suffixes and prefixes. In the next lesson, we will see about important plural words used in medical transcription. These suffixes and prefixes are very much useful in live files and in practice files. Now we will see one by one. 1. Nephro- means pertaining to kidneys 2. -opsy means to view 3. ichtylo- pertaining to fish 4. -ectomy means excision of part or all of an organ 5. myelo- means pertaining to spinal cord 6. myo- means pertaining to muscle 7. neo- means new 8. infra- means situated below or beneath 9. pseudo- means false 10. dys- means painful or difficult 11. -genesis means condition of producing or forming 12. exo- means outside 13. -odynia means pain 14. -lysis means breakthrough 15. -a means without  16. -oma means tumor or mass 17. histo- means pertaining to tissue 18. -plasty means denoting plastic surgery 19. -scopy means pertaining to use of an i...

Medical Transcription Important Suffixes and Prefixes - Lesson 314

In this post, we will see about important suffixes and prefixes that are used in medical transcription. Even there are thousands of prefixes and suffixes, all medical transcriptionists should memorize these words. They are used often in all live files by physicians everyday. Please understand meaning of each word. Now we will about one by one now. 1. -tomy means cutting or incision 2.  -graphy means process of writing or process of recording 3.  oligo- means scanty or deficient 4.  super- means above or excessive 5.  inter- means between 6. -uria means pertaining to write 7. -pathy means disease 8.  post- means after 9.  -plasia means development or formation 10. -algia means denoting a painful condition 11. -osis means a condition, usually an abnormal condition 12. -rrhea means pertaining to flow or discharge 13. meno- means pertaining to menses 14. crypto- means hidden or concealed 15. myco- me...

Medical Transcription Important Units of Measurement - Lesson 313

Medical Transcription Units of measurement is the topic matter of this post. In the free medical transcription course lessons series, we are going to see this topic today. These units are used in denoting measurements and scales of healthcare related things.Measurements are used in food materials, drugs, equipment usages, and use of x-rays etc. As a free medical transcription course learner, you must all know about these unites importantly. Everyday doctors will dictate in all type of medical files about units. Now we will see about each unit one by one. 1. a.c. - ante cebum - before meals 2. ad lib - ad libitum - at pleasure 3. a.m. - ante meridum - morning 4. b.i.d. - bis in die - twice daily 5. C - Calorie 6. cc - cubic centimeter 7. cm - centimeter 8. cm3 - cubic centimeter 9. d - die - day 10. dL - deci litre 11. EU - Euphorium 12. F.- Faraday 13. ft. - fect 14. g - gram 15. gm - gram 16. gr. - gravida 17. hr. -...

Endocrinology Terms - Lesson 312

We will see about endocrinology terms. This lesson also is the continutation of endocrine terms, such as, somatotropin, testosterone, thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH, thyroixine, and triiodothyronine. You must read and understand the importance of each term and the usage of these terms in the practical medical transcription work and also for training purposes. As free medical transcription course learner, I advise you to memorize these terms by their meaning, but not just as words. The next set of lessons will focus on endocrinology disorders. Somatotropin: This is a hormone that is formed by the pituitary gland in the brain exactly at the anterior part. This anterior part of pituitary gland is called as adenohypophysis. The another name of somatotropin is growth hormone. Testosterone: This is a male hormone. Testosterone is formed by the male reproductive gland that is found in the male reproductive organ called testes. Thyroid-stimu...

Important Endocrine Terms - Lesson 311

We are seeing about important endocrine terms in the last few posts. This chapter is a long one. We have seen about glucagon, insulin, FSH, estradiol, estrogen, calcitonin, and cortisol in the prior lesson. In this lesson we are going to see explanations about luteinizing hormone (LH), melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), progesterone, parathormone (PTH), oxytocin and norepinephrine. Luteinizing Hormone (LH): This hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland portion named as adenohypophysis. Luteinizing hormone or LH induces the formation of ovum or egg in female reproductive system. In male LH stimulates the creation of an important hormone named as testosterone. Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone (MSH): MSH induces the color cell formation on the skin. Melanocyte-stimulating hormones is formed on the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The another name of anterior pituitary gland is adenohypophysis. Progesterone: This important hormo...

Endocrine Medical Terms - Lesson 310

In this article, we are going to see about endocrine medical terms. Endocrinology is an important medical speciality. Many women suffer from hormone deficits and so suffer from many sexual and appearance problems. Late menstruation, irregular menstrual cycles, abnormal hair growth, bone thinness etc. Proper timely treatment and medications will solve these problems, but many women have no idea of what kind of treatment to be done. As a medical transcription online trainee, you should know about endocrinology terms. In this lesson, we will see about insulin, glucagon, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estrogen, estradiol, calcitonin, cortisol, and epineprhine.  Glucagon: This is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas, especially by the cells of the Islet of langerhans. The main duty of glucagon is to increase blood sugar by converting glycogen into  glucose. Insulin: This very very important hormone is produced by the same pancreas, es...

Endocrine Terms - Lesson 309

In the endocrine terms information for free medical transcription course, the learners today are going to learn about some other important endocrine terms. Today we are going to deal about thyroid gland, adrenaline hormone, aldosterone, androgen, ACTH, and anti-diuretic hormone. Free medical transcription learners should study these words and remember them. Using a medical dictionary installed and refer it always in your computer is a good habit to learn the meanings of these words. Referring and keeping the meanings in mind is very essential in our learning process. Whenever you involve in doing training files or live files this habit of reference will add more pace to your profession. Thyroid Gland: This gland is situated in the neck. Thyroid is the biggest gland in the human body. It is present below the thyroid cartilage. There are two thyroid glands on each side of the Adam's apple bone. The joining area of two lobes of thyroid gland i...

Important Endocrine Terms - Lesson 308

We will study bout important endocrine terms now. We will deal with a list of words that are related to endocrine system. Small definitions of each term should be understood well by medical transcription course learners. You will hear these words often while you do tests and do online files of medical transcription. Today we will see words about endocrine system in alphabetical order. Today we are going to see about adrenal medulla, adrenal cortex, ovaries, testes, pancreas, parathyroid glands, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. Adrenal Medulla: This is a part of one of adrenal gland. It is situated at the middle of the adrenal gland. Adrenal gland is covered by adrenal cortex. The innermost covering of the adrenal gland is adrenal medulla. Important hormones that are secreted by adrenal medulla are  adrenaline or epinephrine, noradrenaline or norepinephrine, and dopamine. Adrenal Cortex: This is the outermost layer of adrenal gland. It covers the...

Reproductive System Hormones - Lesson 307

We will study about reproductive system hormones now. In this article, we will see about female and male reproductive systems, hormones secreted by them, and their functions in human body. Female reproductive system consists of ovaries. Ovaries are two small, about 1.5-inch sized glands situated in the lower part of the abdomen in female. The other important parts of female reproductive system are vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopiant tubes. These are inner reproductive parts. The other parts are in the outer side are labia, clitoris and urethra. Whenver a male has intercourse with a female sperm is discharged into the vagina. The sperm is then deposited at the end of the vagina near the tightly-closed mouth of the cervix. Cervix is the narrow head portion of the uterus. Anatomy of Female Reproductive System : The outer area of the female reproductive organ is labia muscles. Labia are of two types, such as labia minora and labia majora. Labia majora is the bigger outer muscle...

Endocrine Glands List - Lesson 306

We will now see main endocrine glands list now. There are 9 important endocine glands in our body. They secrete different types of hormones. Each homones does its unique function inside our body. These hormones directly mix with blood from the glands of its production and so they are named as endocrine glands. Our body also has a system of exocrine glands, such as sweat glands. Exocrine glands have its own ducts to contact with bloodstream. The important endocrine glands are thyroid glands in the neck, parathyroids glands on both sides of thyroid glands, adrenal cortex and medulla in the kidneys, pancreas in the liver, pituitary gland in the brain,  ovaries in female reproductive system, and testes in male reproductive system. Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones: Thyroid gland secretes two important hormones, such as, thyroxin and triiodothyroxine. These two hormones help to increase body metabolism in body cells. Another one important hormone secreted ...

Hormones Produced by the Pituitary Gland - Lesson 305

Anatomy of Pituitary Gland: All medical transcription learner should know about pituitary glands and horomones produced by the pituitary gland . In fact, all vertebrate animals have pituitary gland. The other name of pituitary gland is hypophysis. Pituitary gland is an endocrine gland of peanut shaped. It weighs approximately half gram or 0.02 ounces. It is situated beneath the brain and it extends from the downside of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain. It is packed inside a hallow depression in the skull named as sella turcica cavity of the brain and it is surrounded by diaphragma sellae. A small tube like structure named as pituitary stalk that connects median eminence of the brain to the hypothalamus. Parts of Pituitary Gland: Pituitary gland has two lobes anteriorly and posteriorly. The anterior lobe is called as adenohypophysis and the posterior lobe is called as neurohypophysis. Adenohypophysis is an extension from the pharynx. This pa...

Function of Pancreas - Lesson 304

What is Pancreas and Where is it situated and What are the Function of Pancreas ?: Pancreas is an endocrine gland that is situated in the small intestine. It is situated at the backside of the stomach in the area of the first and second lumbar vertebral bones. The head part of the pancreas lies in the concave area of the duodenum. The body part of the pancreas lies behind the stomach. The tail area of the pancreas lies in touch with spleen.  Function of pancreas is the lesson topic we are going to see now. Pancreas is a very important gland in our body. It is situated in the digestive system. Pancreas is an endocrine gland. It secrets a number of important hormones. The names of hormones that are secreted by pancreas are insulin, somatostatin, glucagon, and pancreatic juice. In these hormones, pancreatic juice is a hormone that has important enzymes that are useful in digestion of food and also pancreatic juice helps to absorb essential nutrient particles fr...

Adrenal Glands Function - Lesson 303

Adrenal glands function  is the subject matter we are going to study now. In the series of free online medical transcription course, we have dealt about the anatomy of adrenal glands in the prior lesson. Adrenal glands have the outer adrenal cortex and the internal adrenal medulla covers. Both inner and outer covers of adrenal glands secrete different types of hormones and each hormone does its separate functions to maintain important functions of the human body. Adrenal Cortex Hormones: The hormones secreted by adrenal cortex are called as corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are of three types, such as, mineralcorticoids, glucocorticoids, and sexual hormones in male and female, such as, androgens, estrogens, and progestins. We will see about adrenal glands function of the cortex now. Mineralcorticoids: These hormones are essentially helpful in regulating the amount of electrolytes retaining in the body. Electrolytes are mineral salts. For the normal functioning ...

Adrenal Glands Function - Lesson 302

We are going to learn about adrenal glands function now.  Adrenal means above kidneys (ad- above, renal - related to kidneys). The another name of adrenal glands is suprarenal glands. Adrenal glands are endocrine glands as they have ducts. The two glands on the left and right of the kidney have different shapes. The right side adrenal gland is normally triangular in shape and the left side adrenal gland is semilunar in shape. While we are in stress situations, adrenal glands secrete hormones, such as, cortisol, catacholamines, and epinephrine. Function of the kidneys are also affected by the secretion of a hormone named as aldosterone by adrenal glands. Aldosterone controls osmolarity of plasma in blood. Adrenal glands are situated at the retroperitoneal area above kidneys on both sides. Adrenal glands have two different structures. The outer layer of adrenal glandd is adrenal cortex and the inner layer is medulla. Both adrenal cortex and medulla sec...

Function of the Parathyroid Gland - Lesson 301

We are going to understand about anatomy of parathyroid and parathyroid gland function in this lesson. Parathyroid glands are four tiny glands that are present in the neck. These small glands produce a hormone known as parathyroid hormone. Parathyroid glands are oval in shape. They are present in the inferior part of thyroid glands on the both sides of the pharynx. In rare cases parathyroid glands are present within thyroid glands and in some patients they are present even in the chest area. The main function of the parathyroid hormone is to control the level of calcium in the blood and in the human bones. In abbreviated form the parathyroid hormone is referred as PTH. The another name parathyroid hormone is parathormone. This hormone helps in the function of moving calcium from the blood into the bones. Calcium is an essential mineral to maintain important body functions. Functions of the Parathyroid Glands: We get calcium mineral that is necessary fo...

Health Abbreviations - Sense Organs - Lesson 300

I've missed to add some health abbreviations related to sense organs portions. As a learner of free medical transcription online, you should know about these important abbreviations that are used by physicians in training voice files and live voice files. You should all read and keep all these six abbreviations in your memory. The abbreviation for right ear is  AD, which means auris dextra. Left ear is  AS, which can be extended as auris sinistra, and to express both ears by the abbreviation AU, which is auris uterque. Left eye is termed as OS, its extension is oculus sinister. Right eye is denoted as OD, which means oculus dexter. Both eyes can be denoted as oculus uterque. HEENT is head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat. HEENT is often used in all medical transcription files in the physical examination area. EENT denotes ears, eyes, nose, and throat. A tube is placed in the eardrum, which is called in short as PE tube, which can be extended as polyethylene ventilating t...

Thyroid Gland and Hypothyroidism - Lesson 299

Where is Thyroid Gland? This lesson will deal with thyroid gland and hypothyroidism and thyroid functions. The biggest endocrine gland in the human body is thyroid gland. It is situated in the neck inferiorly to the thyroid cartilage. Thyroid cartilage forms a prominence in that area named as Adam's apple. Thyroid gland consists of two lobes and isthmus is a bridge like structure that attaches two thyroid glands. Isthmus is situated under the cricoid cartilage. The two lobes of the thyroid gland are situated on both sides of the wind pipe or trachea. Thyroid gland functions as an important endocrine gland in the body. It has no ducts to pass their hormones into bloodstream. Thyroid gland secretes two important hormones, such as, thyroxine or tetraidothyroxine and triiodothyronine. Using iodine thyroid gland produces these hormones. Iodine is captured by thyroid glands from the blood and tyrosine. Thyroxine is much thicker hormone than triiodothyronine. We...