Important Suffixes and Prefixes Used in Medical Transcription - Lesson 318

Today we will see about important suffixes and prefixes that are used in medical transcription field commonly on a daily basis. Every transcriptionist must memorize these words with its meanings. Next two posts will follow  this topic. I am going to add more videos hereafter for each topic. Many new changes will happen soon in our blog. We need your support as usual. Now we will see important suffixes and prefixes used in medical transcription one by one now.

1. -tomy means cutting or incision

2. -graphy means process of writing or recording

3. -oligo means scany or deficient

4. -logy means study of

5. super- means above or excessive

6. -uria means pertaining to urine

7. inter- means between

8. -pathy means disease

9. post- means after

10. -plasia means development or growth

11. -algia means painful condition

12. -osis means an abnormal condition

13. -rrhea means discharge

14. meno- means pertaining to menses

15. crypto- means hidden or concealed

16. myco- means fungal

17. mono- means one or single

18. poly- means many or more than one

19. hema- means pertaining to blood 

20. intra- means within

This post ends here. We will see the rest of the important suffixes and prefixes used in medical transcription in the next post. Okay. Come on.

To know more about this topic, please see this video

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