
Showing posts from 2017

The Longest Medical Word

Today, we will know about an interesting medical term in medical language. This post is just to know about a different thing in the medical language, though this word is used very rarely in our day-to-day medical transcription work. The longest medical word is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"!!!!!. Can you read at least Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.  Now, we will see the meaning of this word.  To know the meaning shall we split the word by word. Okay.  1.  Pneumono 2.  Ultramicrosopic 3.  Silico 4.  Volcano 5.  Conosis. So, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis comprises of 5 medical words and in combination, they give a meaning of a certain kind of disease condition related to lungs.  Now, we will see the meaning of each to get the combined understanding of the longest medical word. Pneumono means lungs, ultramicroscopic - means minute, silico means silicon, volc...

Parts of Speech - Noun, Pronoun, Verb, and Adverb - A Medical Transcriptionist Must Know.

Grammar is very crucial in any language.  A medical transcriptionist must be well-versed in his language skills i.e. writing skills.  This unavoidable skill needs specialized knowledge in English grammar apart from strong listening skills and medical language skills, computer operating skills, and fast typing skills are of having secondary importance to be a successful medical transcription professional. In this post, we will see about basic parts of speech in English, such as, 1.  NOUN. 2.  PRONOUN. 3.  VERB. 4.  ADVERB.  We will see about one by one now. 1.  Noun - A noun is used to denote a name of a person, animal, place, of a inhuman thing in the universe.  For example, 1.  John is a name that denotes a boy.  2.  Dog is a name that specifies an animal. 3.  San Diego is mentioned to denote a place. 4.  Stone is denoted to specify an inhuman thing. Further read about NOUN 2. ...

25 Important Medical Transcription Slangs and Terms

This post is about 25 Important Medical Transcription Slangs and Terms.  1.  Bili - Bilirubin 2.  Fluoro - Fluoroscope 3.  Retic - Reticulocyte 4.  Chem - Chemistry 5.  Echo - Echocardiogram 6.  Primip - Primipara (first pregnancy) 7.  Cysto - Cysto means urinary bladder 8.  Dc'd - Discontinued 9.  Trach - Tracheostomy 10.  Dig (dij) - Digoxin 11.  Coag - Coagulation rate 12.  Fib - Fibers 13.  Ca (CA) - Calcium 14.  Procto - Proctodaeum (Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm) 15.  Lytes - Electrolytes 16.  Cath - Catheter 17.  Mets - Metastasis 18.  Diff - Differential 19.  Nitro - Nitroglycerine 20.  Peds - Pediatrics 21.  'crit - Hematocrit 22.  Lap chole - Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 23.  Meds - Medications 24.  tic - Sudden and uncontro...

8 Important Gastrointestinal Medical Terms and Definitions

This free medical transcription course post explains 8 important medical terms that are used on a daily basis when processing live transcription files as a daily job. 1.  Deglutition:  The process of swallowing food materials is known as deglutition. 2.  Dysphagia:  An abnormal condition of difficulty of swallowing of food stuffs by a person. 3.  Nasal Regurgitation:  Back flow of food material from the stomach to the nose. 4.  Bolus:  Food mixed with salivary juice while chewing food. 5.  Chyme:  Partially digested food material inside the mouth is called chyme. 6.  Achalasia Cardia:  Inability of lower esophageal sphincter to relax. 7.  Orifice:  Opening. 8.  Pneumonitis:  Inflammation of the walls of the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs. In the next post, we will study about important 20 gastrointestinal medical terms.  To go to the prior post CLI...

Fifth Vital Signs

We have already learnt about normal vital signs, that are taken into consideration while diagnosing a patient's normal physical condition to come into some diagnostic conclusions during physical examination.  Normally, vital signs are temperature, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and heart rate. Apart from these normal vital signs, secondarily some vital signs are also taken into consideration are menstrual cycle, Glasgow Coma Scale, pulse oximetry, and blood glucose levels.  The knowledge of these secondary vital signs are essential while concluding some advanced diagnostics.  We will see about the fifth vital signs one by one. 1.  Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS:  It is a neurological measure of recording a conscious state of a patient in relation to the assessment of the disease condition.  The scores are the lowest of 3 and the maximum of 14 to 15. In common, GCS is calculated in a patient after a head injury to measure the score of consciousne...

1 Great Health Benefit of Sleeping...


What are Vital Signs ?

In this post, we will study about another important aspect in medical science and knowing about them is very crucial and they are vital signs. In every job we encounter, we will encounter vital signs details without a miss.  Vital Signs are nothing, but clinical measurements of that are helpful in assuring that human body is in normal state of health. What are the 4 clinical measurements ? The four clinical measurements of general health state of a patient are: 1.  Heart rate or pulse rate or pulse. 2.  Body temperature. 3.  Respiratory rate. 4.  Blood pressure. We will see about one by one now. 1. Heart rate or pulse rate or pulse: Normally, in resting condition, a person's heart rate or pulse is estimated to be around 60 beats to 100 beats in a minute. In fact, the lesser the heart rate, the better heart of health would be. For example, a well-trained sportsperson heart would be around 40 beats to 45 beats a minute. 2. ...

What is Atrial Fibrillation ?

As a medical transcription trainees, you all must know about an important medical term, you would often encounter in files is atrial fibrillation. This is an important medical term related to cardiovascular system i.e. heart and blood vessels.  Then, what is atrial fibrillation ?  We will see the meaning and definition of atrial fibrillation below. We all know that heart is felt in our body by its beat sounds defined as lub dub sounds while doctors hear through a stethoscope.  There are normal and abnormal heart beats can be understood by the professionals and so they can lead the exam with an Electrocardiograph scan to understand more about beats and electrical stimulated condition inside the heart. So, an ECG or electrocardiograph scan report will tell more about the kind of heart beats and their characteristic features and consequences inside the heart currently and in the near future. Atrial fibrillation is nothing, but an irregular and also often...

Aims of Studying Medical Language

1.  The primary objective of studying medical language is UNDERSTANDING a complex term to be simply understood and make the student easier to understand it. If a student cannot understand the term, they may want to remember it only by mugging up the medical terms, which is hard. 2.  A medical term may be a simple one or may one complicated term, either needs to be understood to understand the medical science by a student or a reader. 3.  Each medical term is organized into parts such that each part of the term can be used with other words to give different meanings.  Eg. aden/o is a prefix that means gland, and it can be used with other prefix words to give different meaning related to a gland. For example, adenoma means mass of the gland. Adenitis is inflammation of a gland.  Understand. 4.  In this way, any term need not to be memorized, anyone who can understand the meaning changes with variations can never forget any medical te...

One Best Method to Prevent Anemia Naturally


7 Steps to Prevent Infections


What is ECMO?

What is ECMO procedure? In this post, we will see about ECMO extended as Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, it is a life-supporting measure used in end-of-life saving procedures of a patient who suffers from life to death. The main purpose of ECMO is to provide oxygenation support to a patient either in postoperative phase or any. In simple words, ECMO provides both cardiac and respiratory support to a patient when needed, when the patient's heart and lungs fail to function properly in critical situations. Who will get ECMO support, in general? ECMO provides required oxygenation support to save life from death in crucial situations and so doctors can try their best effort to save the patient's life.  In common situation, ECMO is used in children, and also used in adults with heart and lungs failure cases. In this condition, blood carbon di-oxide of a patient is removed by giving oxygenation support. ECMO device set-up: In ECMO procedure, three cylin...

Blood Work Lab Values Abbreviations

First of all, Happy New Year wishes for all our free medical transcription course blog readers. This post aims to make you well aware of all the lab tests that are done to know the blood values before diagnosing disease condition of a patient.  This article aims to know what are the important abbreviations used in blood test lab values. After we know about the important blood work abbreviations, we can then move to know about blood lab tests one by one. Okay. The following are the important abbreviated forms that are used in the lab blood works. 1,  dl - deciliter 2. gm - gram 3.  Hg - mercury 4.  IU - international 5.  l - liter 6.  mEq - milli-equivalent 7.  mg - milligram 8.  m - millimeter 9.  mm3 - cubic millimeter 10.  pg - picogram 11.  mu symbol with l - microliter 12.  mu symbol with m3 - cubic micron In the coming posts, we will see about complete blood wor...