How to Use 'Going To' in English Grammar?

I am 'going to' explain about how to use the auxiliary 'Going To' in English grammar now. For your informatin, going to is a pure auxiliary, but one cannot use it in a sentence without the help of other auxiliary. 'Going to' can be used with some other auxiliary to give a meaningful sentence.

Usage of Going to: This auxiliary is used in sentences to express any future actions or any expectation in the future. The rule is that any other auxiliary related to the subject must accompany the auxiliary 'Going to'. To express implied future, you should use present form of auxiliary. To express future in the past, you should use past form. We will see some examples now.

To express implied future using Present Form.

1. I am going to explain you now.

In this word, 'AM' is the supporting present form auxiliary with Going To.

2. He is going to participate in the competition.

In this sentence, 'IS' is the present form auxiliary used with Going To.

3. We are going to support Ramesh in this election.

In this sentence, 'ARE' is used as a present form auxiliary verb with Going To.

To express Future in the Past using Past Form.

1. I was going to participate in the competition.

2. We were going to struggle against the management.

In some setences, we may use go as main verb with Going To. In those sentence, you can keep silent of the verb go. For example, you can say, I am going to London tomorrow. No need to say, I am going to go London tomorrow.

You should also avoid using the verb 'come' with Going To. You can use other synonyms of 'come' in those sentences like 'arrive' and 'return'.

In the next lesson, we will see the recap of all the auxiliary verbs we have seen so far. Okay. Come on.

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