How to Use 'MIGHT' as an Universal Auxiliary?

‘Might’ is also used in several ways.
1. It is used to express some unsatisfaction in a simple way.
2. To determine a future distant possibility or happening.
3. For ‘may’ this ‘might’ is used as a past equivalent.
4. In the past tense future this ‘might’ is used.

Let us study about the rules of using ‘might’
1. In simple present ‘might’ is used in the present form of the verb.
2. In present continuous tense ‘might be’ is used in the present ending in –ing form of the verb.
3. In future tense ‘might’ is used in the present form of the verb.
4. In simple past (in complex sentences) ‘might’ is used in the present ending in –ing form of the verb.
5. In future in the past ‘might have’ is used in the past participle form of the verb.
6. In the future in the past continuous ‘might have been’ is used in the present ending in           
-ing form of the verb.

Structure of the sentences:
(Hint: If there is a past tense in one part of a complex sentence the other part should also be in past tense or past equivalent universal auxiliary)
1. I may take sruthi with me if she is ready.
Here both sentences are in present tense and therefore it is correct according to the tense rules.
Note: ‘May’ is a simple present tense auxiliary.
But if ‘may’ is the present tense auxiliary then its past equivalent is ‘might’ . But ‘might’ is not the past form of ‘may’. It is the verbs that have the present form - past form - past participle form and not the auxiliaries.

Let us study this example in the tense rules of complex sentence.
1. I might take Sruthi with me if she was ready.
Here ‘might’ is used in the past tense auxiliary but ‘may’ should not be used.

Given below are some more examples.
1. I thought that the teacher might be in the class.
Using of simple past tense and past equivalent.
2. She felt that you might like a short holiday.
Using of simple past tense and past equivalent auxiliary.
3. The manager might not wait for you if you came after 11 a.m.
Using of past equivalent and simple past.
4. The lab assistant said that I might use the calculator whenever necessary.

In the next post we would try to learn the remaining topic of ‘might’

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