Laboratory Tests And Clinical Procedures -- Lesson 257

In this post we would learn some Laboratory tests and some clinical procedures
Laboratory tests:
1. Bacterial analyses: Samples of purulent or pus-filled material or exudate which means fluid that accumulates in a space or passes out of tissues which are sent to the laboratory to determine which type of bacteria are present.

2. Fungal tests: On a growth medium, scraping from skin lesions for several weeks and then examined microscopically for evidence of fungal growth.

Clinical Procedures: 

1. Mobs Surgery: Thin layers of a malignant growth are removed, and eachi is tested under the microscope, which is also called microscopically controlled surgery.

2. Cryosurgery: The application of intensely cold liquid nitrogen destroyed the tissue.
3. Skin biopsy: Pigmented nevi, chronic dermatoses, or any lesion in which there is the possibility of present or future malignant change, are removed and sent to the pathology labortory for examination. A biopsy which is also called Punch biopsy is used to obtain tissue in cases in which complete excision is not feasible involves use of a surgical instrument that removes a core of tissue by rotation of its sharp circular edge. In a shave biopsy, tissue is excised using a cut parallel to the surface of the surrounding skin.

4. Skin testing for allergy or disease: By applying to the skin a small piece of gauze or filter paper on which has been placed a suspected allergy-causing substance is performed in the patch test. If the area becomes reddened or swollen, the result is considered positive. The scratch test involves making several scratches in the skin and inserting a very minute amount of test material in the scratches. The test is considered negative if no reaction occurs. Intradermal tests are performed by injection of a reactive substance between layers of the skin and observation of the skin for a subsequent reaction. This test is used for the detection of sensitivity to infectios agents such as tuberculosis also called Mantoux tests, PPD test or diptheria also called Schick test. Strong reactions indicate ongoing infection.

In the next post we would come across some abbreviations and applications.

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