
Showing posts from 2011

Information on Vertigo - Lesson 291

As of now, we have studied lessons about sense organs in our free medical transcription course series. In this post, we will learn about information on vertigo. What is vertigo? It is a sort of reeling sensation. It makes one feel like a sensation of losing balance. The main reason behind this abnormal condition is due to the intrusion in the inner ear. The person who is affected by vertigo will feel like the surrounding to be spun rapidly. The root causes of this whirling motion are labyrinthitis or acoustic neuroma. Labyrinthitis is the inflammatory condition of inner ear and acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor developed in the nerve that connects brain to the ear. Vertigo is sometimes accompanied by vomiting sensation, loss of balance, and over-sweating. Types of Vertigo: Some persons may feel vertigo sensation just for a few minutes or a few seconds only and then it may resolve. This condition is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV. In ...

Immunization Schedule for Babies - Lesson 290

Immunization schedule for babies is an important thing to maintain a child to prevent from some dangerous infections from viruses and also to maintain immunity. Immune vaccine shots should be applied to all children on a timely basis and should be followed by parents very carefully without fail. Now we will see the types of vaccines. There are BCG vaccines, DPT vaccine, oral polio vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, hemophilus influence type b vaccine, MMR vaccine (Mumps, measles, rubella), TT or tetanus vaccine. All these seven types of vaccines must be given to any child in certain time periods without any delay. Now we will see your baby's age and the vaccine for the age in weeks to months one by one. On birth of a child, BCG vaccine, oral polio and hepatitis B vaccine should be administered.  After the six weeks, DPT first one dose and oral polio second dose also should be administered along with hepatitis B vaccine second dose and hemophilus influence typ...

How to Heal Tinnitus? - Lesson 289

What is tinnitus? This is a sign of some ear diseases, such as Miniere's disease, abnormal bone growth in the middle ear, age-related hearing loss, chronic ear inflammation, inflammation in the labyrinth, and/or any other ear abnormalities. Tinnitus affects a person's day-to-day life activities if it is severe.  Making the patient relaxed would be a good treatment if this is the reason behind it. Medically tinnitus means tinkling sensation. In other words, tinnitus makes ringing sensation inside the ears. It is really a disturbing sensation for an individual. Tinnitus will happen in the ears even with the absence of any sounds from the surroundings. But it is not a disease kind, but it may exhibit as a symptom for any other underlying ear diseases. A drug named benzadiazepine, if consumes in high doses may cause tinnitus in the ears. Radio-surgery treatment using gamma knife, teflon device set-up, clearing wax from the ear canal are the c...

Otitis Media in Adults - Lesson 288

Chronic Serous Otitis Media: It is an abnormal condition of inflammatory condition in the middle ear and so serum is accumulated inside. Generally it occurs in between the tympanic membrane and the inner ear. The main symptom is earache. Otitis media is not a serious condition other than it creates pain inside the ear and it may heal in a one or two months time period. When a person is affected with it, a pressure sensation will happen in the eardrum i.e. tympanic membrane and so the area is painful. The main cause of otitis media is infection by some bacteria or virus or any fungus. The main bacterias such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and haemophilus influenzae, and viruses like RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). Cold condition may lead to this condition and so ear pains for a few days or weeks. Sometimes eardrum may break and so pus forms inside the ear. Small children are prone to otitis media generally under the 10 years of age. This can be visually found o...

Common Ear Diseases - Lesson 287

Free medical transcription course website provides you free lessons to learn the subject on a weekly thrice basis. Anyone who is interested in learning medical transcription can use these lessons for their reference while learning online or in any institutions. We will help you. Every once in a while, you should go through the medical terms learnt here and memorize them and these terms will be very useful when you involve in live medical transcription files. In this lesson, we will deal about common ear diseases, such as Meniere's disease and otosclerosis. In ear diseases, Meniere 's disease is one kind. Meniere's disease is an abnormality of the inner ear on the labyrinth. This disease happens when the pressure in the cochlea increases because of the increased pressure by endolymph. This affects normal balance and hearing ability. The main symptoms of Meniere's disease are tinnitus and increased sensitivity to louder sounds. Headache, vertigo, and nausea are also...

Diseases of the Ear - Lesson 286

In this post, we will deal with diseases of the ear , acoustic neuroma and cholesteatoma. We will also learn some important suffixes of ear. Due to the diseases in the ear, one person may get some hearing loss or pain and so the quality of the life is affected in all. In the more complicated conditions, deafness or brain tumor or paralysis may happen. To avoid such serious conditions, proper diagnosis and treatment at the right time is important. In hearing process, all the outer, middle, and inner ears take part. Sound waves from environment enter through the outer ear and travels through the middle ear through three small bones, named ossicles and then the sound wave travels inside the inner ear to vibrate the eardrum. Acoustic Neuroma: This is an abnormal condition in the ear of formation of a tumor on the eight cranial nerve in the brain that arises from acoustic nerve. The main symptom of acoustic neuroma is ringing in the ears, dizzines...

Medical Terminology for Ear - Lesson 285

Ear is the important organ in the body and in the medical language, there are many words related to it. We will see some important medical terminology for ear in this post. Ot/o means ear. Otomycosis is an abnormal condition of ear infection by a fungus. Otolaryngologist is a specialist who specializes in earn and larynx treatment. Ossicul/o means ossicle. Ossiculoplasty is a surgical procedure of reconstruction of ossicle. Myring/o means eardrum. Myringotomy is a surgical procedure to correct the eardrum. Staped/o means stapes. Stapes is the third bone of the middle ear. Stapedectomy is the surgical correction of stapes bone in the middle ear. Salping/o means auditory tube. The other name of auditory tube is eustachian tube. Salpingopharyngeal fold is a mucous membrane that is extended from the beneath of torus tubarius. Tympan/o means middle ear. The other meaning is eardrum. Tympanoplasty is the surgical procedure done to correct the eardru...

Ear Medical Combining Forms - Lesson 284

This post explains about medical combining forms about ear. Each medical word in the medical language consists of three elements, such as root, suffix, and prefix. Medical words are rooted from Latin language. We will see some important combining forms related to ears now. A combining form is the beginning of a medical word that is called prefix that is connected to the suffix of the with a connector named root /o/. For example, smyositis, it means pain in the muscles. In this word, my/o is the prefix connected to a suffix, itis, by a connector /o/. Ear Combining Forms Medical:  Audi/o is a word that means hearing. It also means the sense of sounds. For example audiography. It means recoding and editing of sound tracks. Mastoid/o means mastoid process. Mastoiditis means inflammation of the mastoid process. This is an extended portion projection beneath the temporal bone. Acou/o means also hearing. The example word is acoustics. It is the study of mechanical waves in gases....

Medical Terminology for Ear - Lesson 283

In the prior lesson, we have been introduced to the new ear medical terminology of a few important words. In this lesson also we will learn a few more imporant medical terminology for ear, such as, ossicle, oval window, perilymph, pinna, saccule, semicircular canals, stapes, tympanic membrane, and utricle. Learners should memorize these terms after reading the lesson and so it will be remembered while doing medical transcription files on a day-to-day basis. Utricle and Saccule:    These are the two vertebrate parts of the inner ear. The other name of the utricle is utriculus. Saccule acts as a bed of sensory cells in the inside of the ear. Saccule interprets movements of the head into neural pulses while the up and down movements. Both utricle and saccule work as balancing organs. Definition of Tympanic Membrane:   Tympanic membrane is an organ that splits the outer ear from the middle ear. The other name of this is eardrum. It helps to pass the sound wav...

Ear Medical Terminology - Lesson 282

In the free medical transcription course lessons, we are going to learn next about ear medical terminology words now. In the last lesson, we have learnt about auditory meatus, auditory nerve fibers, auricle, cochlea, and cerumen. In this lesson, we will learn about other ear medical terms, such as, endolymph, eustachian tube, malleus and incus bones, labyrinth, and organ of Corti. Ear Vocabulary Now we will see about endolymph and labyrinth and organ of Corti now in the lesson of ear medical terminology . Endolymph: This is a fluid like material present in the labyrinth part of the ear. Endolymph is in the inner ear. Labyrinth: In the inner ear, there are canal like structures. These canals contain other structures such as cochlea, saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals. Labyrinth looks like a maze. Organ of Corti: This part of the inner ear is a sensitive receptor of sound waves. Organ of Corti is found in the cochlea. Ear Ossicles: They are the smallest bones...

Medical Term for Ears - Lesson 281

In this post, we are going to learn about medical term for ears. I am going to provide a list of vocabularies related to the sensory organ ear and it will provide you support to know about new medical terminologies. The meanings of each medical term is given as short definitions for your easy understanding. In everyday medical transcriptionist life, you could hear these terminologies when you do practice or live files from physicians. Anatomical Vocabulary: In this lesson of  medical term for ears, we will see the meanings of what is auditory meatus, auditory canal, auditory tube, auditory nerve fibers, auricle, cochlea, and cerumen. The rest of the medical terminologies related to the sensory organ ear will be included in the next lesson next week. Now we will see the meanings one by one. Okay. Medical Terms and Meanings:  Auditory Meatus:  Each ear consisits of internal auditory meatus and external auditory meatus. External auditory meatus is a tube in the ea...

Equilibrium and Inner Ear - Lesson 280

In this post, we will learn about inner ear equilibrium . We all know already that human ear has three parts, such as, outer ear or pinna, middle ear, and inner ear. Each ear has its own significance in sending sound waves from our surroundings to the brain. The inner ear is an important area in maintaining equilibrium in the brain. What is equilibrium? Equilibrium is the feeling of balance. Balance of being is maintained by the inner ear. If one is off balance, then that state is called dizziness. Dizziness is purely a physical state and this equilibrium is maintained by three canals in the inner ear. Now we will see in detail about this now. Inner Ear Equilibrium Problems: Inner ear has three organs that are responsible for balance. The name of these three semicircular tubes are semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle respectively. These three tubes contain a liquid named as endolymph and small sensitive hair like cells inside it. When we move head, this ...

Functions Of The Ear -- Lesson 279

In this post we would learn about the functions of the ear. Generally the ear can be divided into three separate regions. They are 1. Outer ear, 2. Middle ear and 3. Inner ear. These outer and middle ears function in the conduction of sound waves through the ear. The inner ear contains structures that receive the auditory waves and relay them to the brain. The auditory or estachian tube is a canal leading which is from middle ear to the pharynx. In an efficient way, this tube can prevent damage to the eardrum and shock to the middle and inner ears.  The pressure of air in the middle ear is equal to the pressure of the air in the external environment. Functions of Middle Ear: Whenever we speak the outer ear collects the sound waves and sends them through the auditory canal. That is the vibrations are carried through the auditory canal to the eardrum. Then this vibrations goes to the middle ear. The smallest bones which are in the middle ear converts this vi...

Ear Functions and Structure - Lesson 278

In this post, we are going to learn about ear functions and structure . This lesson begins the ear anatomy and physiology lessons. In the future posts, we will learn about human ear anatomy and physiology. As per the passage of sound waves from the ear to the brain, we can divide the ear structure into four divisions, such as outer ear, middle ear, inner ear or labyrinth, and brain. The outer ear consists of pinna, external auditory ear, and tympanic membrane. The middle ear consists of malleus, incus, stapes, and oval window. The inner ear or labyrinth consists of cochlea, auditory liquids and receptors, and auditory nerves. In the brain, the ear is connected with cerebral cortex. We will learn about each of these parts of the ear one by one now. Ear Functions and Structure:   Outer Ear: Any sound waves from our surrounding will enter into the outer ear first through the muscle part called pinna or auricle, outside the ear, which projects outside the ...

Laser Eye Surgeries - Lesson 277

In this post, we will see about the eye treatment procedures, such as vitrectomy, keratoplasty, laser photocoagulation, and scleral buckle methods. Keratoplasty surgery is a method of transplanting the cornea inside the eye. This surgical process is also known as corneal graft method. In this method, the cornea is replaced with a normal cornea that can transparent well and so the vision is restored. If the cornea is replaced entirely, the surgical process is named as penetrating keratoplasty. If the cornea is replaced partially only, then the process is called as lamellar keratoplasty. The cornea is donated if a man orwoman dies by accidents or any other reason and they donate their cornea with their own consent. In laser photocoagulation method, many eye diseases are treated. In this, the blood vessels inside the eye is cauterized using laser light waves. The laser light used in this method is known as argon laser beams. These beams stimulate the blood ...

Cataract Refractive Surgery - Lesson 276

In this lesson, we are going to study about cataract of the eyes. As a free medical transcription course learner, you should all know about cataracts of the eye. The dictators will dictate about cataract in dictation files in the surgical history of the patient or about the surgery files about cataracts etc. You should know about what is cataract and what are the surgical methods to remove cataracts. The reasons for cataract is a change in the protein structure, as well as the water stuff inside the lens. Changes in the protein affects the clarity of the vision. These changes in the crystalline lens create clouding in the eyes. Cataract is a disease. In the cataract disease, the lens is the primary thing affected by clouding process, from its normal clarity. Cataract affects the retina to focus the light rays on the lens. Cataract means waterfall in the latin language. Some patient with cataract would also have diabetes and they may meet complications whi...

Eye Diagnostic Tests - Lesson 275

In the last lesson, we have learnt about eye diseases and in this lessson we are going to learn about diagnostic procedures done to the eyes. As a medical transcription learner, you should all know about these procedures, as physicians will dictate about these procedures in their live files while you work in a company. These diagnostic procedures generally do to a patient while he is examined by a physician while doing an eye exam. In this post, we will learn about fluorescein angiography, ophthalmoscopy, slit lamp ocular examination, tonometry, visual acuity test, and visual field exam.  Fluorescein Angiography: This procedure is done to identify hypertensive retinopathy or diabetic retinopathy. This test is also used to find any lesions in the macular area of the retina of the eye. In this test, a dye material called fluorescein is injected intravenously. By injecting this eye, blood flow is tracked by an instrument named ophthalmoscopy. Ophthal...

Degenerative Eye Diseases - Lesson 274

In the previous lessons, we have studied a list of eye diseases with eye diseases in children, and diabetic eye diseases. In this post, we will learn about retinitis pigmentosa and strabismus. As a medical transcription learner, you should know about these two diseases. In all the ENT medical files, you will hear about these medical terminologies often. This lesson concludes with these two diseases and we will learn about ENT clinical procedures from the next post. As of we have studied common pathological conditions of the eye, such as cataract, chalazion, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, hordoleum or stye, macular degeneration, and retinal detachment. Please read again those posts once again and memorize all the terms. Retinitis Pigmentosa: This is a very bad disease kind of the eye. It may lead to incurable blindess to the eye. Retinitis pigmentosa is termed in short as RP. If a patient is affected with this disease, he or she may get blindness in nights...

Common Eye Diseases and Disorders II – LESSON 273

In the last lesson we came through some of the pathological conditions of eyes. Glaucoma: - Intraocular pressure in the anterior and posterior chambers is elevated because of the aqueous humor to drain from the eye and enter the bloodstream inability. Aqueous humor is generally formed by the ciliary body, passes into the posterior chamber and then into the anterior chamber, leaving the eye at the angle where the cornea and iris meet. This glaucoma is diagnosed by means of tonometry with an instrument applied in external to the eye after administration of local anesthetic. To lower intraocular pressure administration of drugs or miotics may prove effective in controlling the condition. To tighten fibers in the ciliary body or to create a hole in the periphery of the iris, which allows aqueous humor to flow from the posterior to the anterior chamber and thus reduce intraocular pressure sometimes, this laser therapy is used. Hordeolum (stye): - This is a localized purulent, inflam...

Esophagus Diseases And Disorders

In this article we will see what would be the causes of intestinal cancer, especially, gastrointestinal cancer.  As a medical transcriptionist trainee, we should all know about small intestinal cancer symptoms and gastic intestinal cancer symptoms. The long food tube, anatomically known as gastrointestinal tract is placed behind the heart. This is a long tube like structure that connects mouth with gastric tube or food tube where the food is settled from the mouth for digestion. This tube is called esophagus, which sized approximately of 25 cm to 30 cm and which has a capability of contraction and extension. There are two valves present at the junction where the mouth and esophagus meets. These valves will open only at the instant of swallowing of food materials or at the instance of vomiting.  Esophagus has the ability to push the food material that enters into the mouth to the small intestines. Even if we take from the head upside down, ...

Common Eye Diseases and Disorders - LESSON 272

Any disease conditiion is called pathology. Pathology is the study of disease conditions. Like every other organ, eye also has many different kinds of disease conditions called eye pathologies. As an medical transcriptionist learner, you all should know about these pathologies or disease conditions of the eyes. There is difference in ages or gender, even eye diseases in children are found. In the list of eye diseases, we can include diabetic related eye diseases too. Diabetes is also a cause of eye diseases in elder people. These diseases are called degenerative eye diseases. The important disease conditions are cataract, chalazion, glaucoma, and retinopathy due to diabetes. We will see about one by one now. Okay. Cataract: This is a common eye disese type, which causes decreased vision in the eyes. This decrease in vision happens due to the clouding process of the lens. This pathological condition occurs commonly in older people and so it is called senile...

Eye Exam Refraction -- Lesson 271

In this post we would learn about errors of refraction. Astigmatism: - Defective curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye is called Astigmatism. From one or more abnormal curvatures of the cornea or lens this problem leads in. This causes light rays to be unevenly and not sharply focused on the retina, so that the image is distorted. A cylindrical lens placed in the proper position in front of the eye can correct this problem. Hyperopia: - The eye ball in this condition is too short or the refractive power of the lens is too weak. Parallel rays of light tend to focus behind the retina and this result in a blurred image. A convex lens which is thicker in the middle than at tht sides bends the rays inward before they reach the cornea, and thus the rays can be focused properly on the retina. Myopia: - In myopia the eyeball is too long or the refractive power of the lens so strong that light rays does not properly focus on the retina. The image perceived is blurred because th...

Eyes And Ears Terminologies III - Lesson 270

In this post we would learn some more medical terminologies for eyes and ears. The other terminology is ambly/o which means dull or dim. Amblyopia in which -opia means vision. Amblyopia is a partial loss of sight and is also known as lazy eye. This is because it is associated with failure of the eyes to work together to focus on the same point. The next terminology is dipl/o which means double. The other terminology is glauc/o which means gray.The term glaucoma comes from the dull gray-green gleam of the affected eye in advanced cases. Here -oma means mass or collection of fluid or aqueous humor.  The other terminology is mi/o which means smaller or less. Miosis is the contraction of the pupil. A miotic is a drug such as pilocarpine that causes the pupil to contract. The next terminology is mydr/o which means widen or enlarge. Mydriasis is the enlargement of pupils. Atropine and cocaine ...

Eyes and Ears Medical Terminologies II - Lesson 269

Like in the previous post, we will learn some more important medical terminologies which are related to eyes and ears. The next terminology is opthalm/o, which means eye. Opthalmologist is an eye specialist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating disorder of the eye. The other terminology is opt/o or optic/o which means eye or vision. Optic is pertaining to eye and optometrist is the lens prescriber and examiner. A nonmedical person who can examine eyes to determine vision problems and prescribe lenses. The other terminology is palpebr/o which means eyelid. Palpebral is pertaining to eyelid. The next terminology is papill/o which means optic disk or nipple-like. Papilledema is the swelling of optic disk, –edema means swelling. This condition is associated with increased intracranial pressure and hyperemia also called increased blood flow in the region of optic disk. The other terminology is phac/o which means lens of the eye. Phacoemulsification is the technique of cat...

Sensory Organs - Eyes and Ears - Medical Terms - LESSON 267

In this lesson, we will learn about important medical terminologies related to eyes and ears. As a learner of free medical transcription course online, one should know about all these terminologies and this will be helpful in doing transcription files online. For every medical terminology, we should know the meaning and a related terminology to it and the meaning of it. In the day to day transcription jobs, every medical transcriptionist will hear these terminologies and so one should be very much familiar with these to be a successful medical transcriptionist. Now we will see about one by one. Okay. Come on. The first terminology is aque/o, which means water. Aqueous humor is a fluid produced by the ciliary body found in the anterior and posterior chambers. The next one is blephar/o, which means eyelid. Blepharitis is a word that represents inflammation of the eyelid. The other one is conjunctiv/o, which means conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis is a word that means i...

Eye Anatomical Terms Explanation - LESSON 266

In the travel of learning free medical transcription course, we are going to learn about anatomical terms explanations of eyes. As a medical transcriptionist student, you should know about all the anatomy and physiology, not like a medical student for surgical purpose, but you should know something basic  information about them. We explained something in the prior lesson about this topic about what is accomodation, anterior chamber, aqueous humor, biconvex, layer of choroid, ciliary body, cones, conjuctiva, cornea, fovea centralis, fundus of the eyes, lens, iris, macula, optic chiasm, and optic disk. In this lesson, we will learn about, optic nerve, posterior chamber, pupil, refraction, retina of the eyes, rods, sclera, vitreous chamber, vitreous humor one by one. Okay. Optic Nerve: The other name of optic nerve is cranial nerve 2, which receives and delivers eye sight messages to the brain from the part of cerebral cortex from the retina of the eye. Posteri...

Anatomical Definitions Of Eye -- Lesson 265

In this post we would come through the definitions shortly. 1. Accommodation: - The adjustment of the eye made normally for looking at objects at different distances. To bring an object into focus on the retina, the lens is made thinner or fatter by the ciliary body. 2. Anterior chamber: -  This is the area behind the cornea and in front of the lens and iris.  Aqueous humor is contained in it. 3. Aqueous humor: - Fluid is produced by the ciliary body and found in the chambers which are anterior and posterior. 4. Choroid layer: - The vascular and middle layer of the eye between the retina and the sclera. 5. Ciliary body: - It is the structure which is on each side of the lens that connects the choroids and the iris. This also contains ciliary muscles, which control the shape of the lens, and secretes aqueous humor. 6. Cones: - The receptor cells which is called photosensitive receptor cells transform light energy into a nerve impulse. Cones are responsible for col...

Eye Anatomical Short Definitions -- Lesson 264

EIn this post we would come through the definitions shortly. 1. Accommodation: - The adjustment of the eye made normally for looking at objects at different distances. To bring an object into focus on the retina, the lens is made thinner or fatter by the ciliary body. 2. Anterior chamber: -  This is the area behind the cornea and in front of the lens and iris.  Aqueous humor is contained in it. 3. Aqueous humor: - Fluid is produced by the ciliary body and found in the chambers which are anterior and posterior. 4. Choroid layer: - The vascular and middle layer of the eye between the retina and the sclera. 5. Ciliary body: - It is the structure which is on each side of the lens that connects the choroids and the iris. This also contains ciliary muscles, which control the shape of the lens, and secretes aqueous humor. 6. Cones: - The receptor cells which is called photosensitive receptor cells transform light energy into a nerve impulse. Cones are responsible for col...