Now in this post we will revise some vocabulary of psychiatric symptoms and disorders.
1. Affect:- External emotion or emotional response.
2. Amnesia:- Memory loss.
3. Anorexia nervosa:- An eating disorder of excessive dieting to maintain an original body weight by refusion.
4. Anxiety disorders:- Unpleasant tension, distress, and avoidance behavior are the characters of this disorders. Examples of this disorders are obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
5. Apathy:- The absence of emotional involvement or emotions lack of interest absent.
6. Autism:- Withdrawal, more lack of response to other people, inability to interact, and development of retarded language.
7. Bipolar disorder:- Mania and depression with intermixed periods.
8. Bulimia nervosa;- Binge eating followed by vomiting and depression is an eating disorder.
9. Compulsion:- An action which is repeatedly uncontrollably urged to perform.
10. Conversion disorder:- For anxiety and conflict with no organic basis a physical symptom appears.
11. Defense mechanism:- To resolve or hide conflicts and anxiety this person uses unconscious technique.
12. Delirium:- In thinking; false, perceptions and irrational behavior there is confusion. The association with alcohol withdrawal is of Delirium tremens.
13. Delusion:- By logical reasoning or evidence the false belief which is fixed cannot be changed.
14. Dementia:- The impairment of memory, judgment, and reasoning as well as changes in personality with loss of intellectual abilities.
15. Depression:- The chronic sadness, hopelessness, worry, discouragement and loss of energy is occurred with major mood disorder.
16. Dissociative disorder:- The dissociative identity disorder of amnesia and fugue; Chronic or sudden disturbance of memory, identity or consciousness etc.,
17. Ego:- The personality deals with the central coordination branch.
18. Fugue:- From the customary surroundings with Amnesia.
19. Gender identity disorder:- The opposite sex having strong and persistent of cross gender identification.
20. Hallucination:- The perception with false sense.
21. Id:- The greater unconsciousness part of the energy, personality from instinctual drives and desires.
22. Labile:- The rapid undergoing emotional change or which is not stable.
23. Mania:- Inflated self-esteem, hyperactivity, extreme excitement.
24. Mood disorders:- A person's life is dominated with prolonged emotion. Examples of these disorders are bipolar and depressive disorders.
25. Mutism:- The stupor action or non-reactive state.
26. Obsessive-compulsive disorder:- The recurrent thoughts and repetitive acts which dominate behavior is having an anxiety disorder.
27. Paranoia:- Delusions of grandeur or persecution or the mixing of the two.

 In the next post we will learn remaining vocabulary.


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