More than a few attributes of x-rays are helpful to physicians in the analysis and treatment of disease.
Capacity to be photographed: If beams of x-ray are focussed on a photographic plate the silver coating of the plate will change into black in color due to the chemical reaction of it on silver.

Radiolucency and Radiopacity: Ability to penetrate different substances to varying degrees. X-rays pass through the different types of substances in the human body such as calcium material in bones, water particle in the blood and lymph vessels, fat materials, muscles, and air space in the lungs, so as to give the image of that to diagnose. Radiolucency is the characteristic feature in which x-rays penetrate through lighter substances in the body like air in the lung and water in the blood, and muscles and form a black image. Radiopacity is the characteristic feature of the x-ray in which it cannot penetrate through densest hard substances like bone and metals inside the body and form an image that is whit in color.

Air is the smallest amount of thick material in the body and so displays the utmost transmission of x-rays. At the same time fat is the denser material, water is more dense than fat, and metal is the densest. When x-rays pass the through these materials the densest metals and calcium did not permit them to pass through them, but other rays pass through other fat, muscles, air will focus on the photographic plate. So the affected images of bone and other hard materials are visible for the diagnosis of fracture etc.

Nature of Invisibility: We cannot distinguish x-rays by our eyes. We cannot percept x-rays by any of our other sense organs like ears or skin too. They are very harmful and so one should be prevented from the exposure of x-rays. The mask used to avoid its exposure is called film badge. The special kind of films in the film badge are exposed by x-rays and so exposure is avoided. X-rays will be scattered when they come into contact with any other material across them. The more the density of the particle the more the scattering will occur.

Whenever x-rays pass through substances they ionize the materials i.e. neutrally charged particles become charged particles. When a particle is charged and becomes particles called ions. These charging activity of x-rays will be of greatly helpful in killing cancer cells in our body on the contrary to that normal cells when exposed by x-rays may get ionized and develop thyroid tumors, breast cancer, leukemia, etc.,

In the next post we will learn abour radiation technologists. Okay.

Come on.

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