We have learned so far about gastrointestinal (GI) system so far. In the coming posts we will learn about URINARY SYSTEM. Ok.  The contents of this system consists of:
1. Urinary system anatomy.
2. Urine production
3. Structure of urinary system
4. Urinalysis
5. Urinary system-Pathology (Kidneys, Bladder, and other organs)
6. Lab tests and procedures
7. Abbreviations

We will see each subject one by one now…come on.



How food waste particles are removed from our body?

Catabolism is a process of production of energy in the cells by the combination of oxygen and food. In this process neither the food or oxygen is not devastated. As an alternative, the small particles of food and oxygen are reorganized into new mishmash. These blend of amalgamation are ravage foodstuffs (sugars and fats and proteins). Food stuffs created in our body are of two mixtures:

1. Foods with Sugars and Fats
2. Protein Foods

Foods with Sugars and Fats:

When foods like sugars and fats mostly they are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They intermix with oxygen in cells. The wastes produced are gases called carbon dioxide, a mixture of carbon and oxygen and hydrogen and oxygen. This is in the form of vapor (gas and water). These waste gases are removed from the body by exhalation process of breathing through the nostrils by the lungs.

Protein Foods:

The foodstuffs that contain protein are not simple material like sugars and fat, but proteins particles are complicated. These dense food particles contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as well as nitrogen and other rudiments. The ravage or waste produced when protein mixed with oxygen. This is called nitrogenous waste. It is more difficult to send out of the body than food particles with sugars and fats as carbon-di-oxide and water through the breathing process.

The body cannot capably excrete the nitrogenous waste as it cannot change it as a gas and vapor as like other food materials. But the nitrogenous waste is excreted in the form a soluble (dissolved in water) known as urea. The primary function of the URINARY SYSTEM is to eliminate urea formed in the bloodstream, in order that it does not accrue or collect in the body and become contaminated or poisonous toxic materials. Kidneys are organs remove these materials outside the body in the form of urine.

Keywords: Urinary, kidneys, sugars and fats, proteins, urea, urine, urethra, ureters, electrolytes, nitrogenous, oxygen, carbon-di-oxide

The next post continues this lesson. Okay.

In the next lesson we will learn more about URINARY SYSTEM.

Come on...

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