Important Prefixes - Lesson 46


1. a-, an- means no, not, without
apnea-no breathing
anoxia-without oxygen

2. ab- means away from
abnormal-away from normal

3. ad- means toward
adduction-a muscle draws the body towards the median plane

4. ana- means up, apart
anabolism-process of burning energy up

5. ante-before, forward
antecebum-before meals
anteflexion-bending forward
antepartum-before delivery

6. anti- means against
antisepsis- against infection

7. auto- means self, own
autoimmune-immune protection
8. bi- means two
bifurcation-dividing into two
bilateral-two sides

9. brady- means slow
bradycardia-slow heart beat

10. cata- means down
catabolism- process of burning energy down

11. con- means with, together
congenital anomaly-abnormal condition of childs
connective-to connect

12. contra- means against, opposite
contraindication-against indication
contralateral-opposite sides

13. de- means down, lack of
dehydration-lack of water in the body

14. dia- means through, complete
diameter-complete measurement

15. dys- means bad, painful, difficult, abnormal
dyspnea-difficult breathing

16. ec-, ecto- means out, outside
ectopic pregnancy-outside the uterus

17. en-, endo- means in, within
endotracheal-within the trachea
endocardium-within the heart

18. epi- means upon, on, above
epithelium-above the skin

19. eu- means good, normal
euthyoid-normal thyroid

20. ex- means out, away from
exophthalmia-bulging eyes

21. hemi- means half
hemiglossectomy-removal of half of the tongue

22. hyper- means excessive, above
hyperplasia-excessive development of cell numbers
hypertrophy-increase in the size of the cells
hyperglycemia-excessive sugar

23. hypo- means deficient, under
hypodermic-below the skin
hypoglycemia-less sugar

24. in- means not
insomnia-inability to sleeping

25. in- means into
incision-cut into

26. infra- means beneath
infracostal-sub costal or beneath the ribs

27. inter- means between
intercostal-in between the ribs

28. intra- means into, within
intravenous-into the vein

29. macro- means large
macrocephalic-pertaining to large head

30. mal- means bad
malnutrition-bad nutrition
malignant-tumor that spreads
malaise-vague sick feeling

31. meta- means change, beyond
metamorphosis-change in the form and functions

32. micro- means small
microscope-instrument to view small

33. neo- means new
neoplasm-new growth
neonatal-new born

34. pan- means all
pancytopenia-deficiency of all cells

35. para- means near, beside, abnormal
parathyroid glands-near thyroid glands

36. per- means through
percutaneous-through the skin

37. peri- means surrounding
pericardium-outer layer of the heart

38. poly- means many, much
polymorphonuclear-cell having many nuclei of many forms and structures

39. post- means after, behind
postmortem-viewing of a dead tissue
postnatal-before birth

40. pre- means before, in front of
precancerous-before cancer

41. pro- means before, forward
prodrome-early symptoms of a disease
prolapse-drooping or coming out

42. pseudo- means false
pseudocyesis-false pregnancy

43. re- means back, again
relapse-return of the disease
remission-symptoms lessen
recombinant DNA-one that inherits one gene

44. retro- means behind, backward
retroperitoneal-pertaining to backside of the pericardium
retroflexion-bending back

45. sub- means under
subcutaneous-under the skin

46. syn-, sym- means together, with
syndactyly-fingers and toes club together
synthesis-building up or putting together
syndrome-group of symptoms
symbiosis-association of two or more species for mutual benefit
symphysis-meeting point or union point

47. tachy- means fast
tachypnea-fast breathing

48. trans- means across, through
transfusion-transfer of one to another
transurethral-across the urethra

49. ultra- means beyond, excess
ultrasonography-measurement of deep structures using sound waves

50. uni- means one

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