In this lesson we will just go through the most commonly using combining form in medical transcription while doing live files
1. abdomin/o means adbomen
2. acr/o - extremities, top, extreme point
3. acu/o - sharp, severe, sudden
4. aden/o - gland
5. agor/o - market place
6. amni/o - amnion (a sac surrounding the embryo in the uterus)
7. angi/o - vessel
8. arteri/o - artery
9. arthr/o - joint
10. axill/o - armpit
11. blephar/o - eyelid
12. bronch/o - bronchial tubes (two tubes one on the right and one on the left that branch from the trachea to enter into lungs)
13. carcin/o - cancer
14. chem/o - drug, chemical
15. chondr/o - cartilage
16. chron/o - time
17. col/o - colon (large intestine)
18. cyst/o - urinary bladder
19. encephal/o - brain
20. hydr/o - water, fluid
21. inguin/o - groin
22. isch/o - to hold back
23. lapar/o - abdomen, abdominal wall
24. laryng/o - larynx (voice box)
25. lymph/o - lymph (a clear fluid that bathes tissue spaces and is contained in special lymph vessels and nodes throughout the body)
26. mamm/o - breast
27. mast/o - breast
28. morph/o - shape, form
29. myel/o - spinal cord, bone marrow (we should understand the context while we use this)
30. my/o - muscle
31. necr/o - death (of cells or whole body)
32. nephr/o - kidney
33. neur/o - nerve
34. ophthalm/o - eye
35. oste/o - bone
36. ot/o - ear
37. path/o - disease
38. peritone/o - peritoneum
39. phag/o - to eat, swallow
40. plas/o - formation, development
41. pleur/o - pleura (membranes surrounding lungs and adjacent to chest wall muscles)
42. pneum/o - lungs
43. pulmon/o - lungs
44. rect/o - rectum
45. ren/o - kidney
46. sarc/o - flesh
47. splen/o - spleen
48. staphyl/o - clusters
49. strept/o - twisted chains
50. thorac/o - chest
51. thromb/o - clot
52. tonsill/o - tonsils
53. trache/o - trachea (windpipe)
54. ven/o - vein
In the next lesson we will go through the most common prefixes and suffixes using in medical transcription...ok
Come on...
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