This lesson continues the prior lesson Urinalysis.6. Pus: Presence of pus in the urine is called pyuria. The urine is turbid or gloomy in color. This condition is due to the presence of more white blood cells in the urine. White blood cells are called leukocytes. Bacterial infection of the kidney or urinary bladder is the reason for this condition. 7. Glucose: Renal tubules in the kidney are unable to reabsorb the sugars from the urine and so more sugars excreted. This condition is called glycosuria. When the sugar is more in the blood this condition is called hyperglycemia. Glycosuria is a symptom of diabetes mellitus.8. Sediment: Urine is residuous or sedimentuous when it contains the red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, bacteria, and crystals. The presence of these materials in the urine is a disease condition.

Specific Gravity: This is a test of urine density. This density is compared with water density and the difference says the nature of the urine. Nephritis is a condition in which the reabsorption capacity of kidneys are less and so urine is more watery and specific gravity is less. Normally specific gravity is high in the sugar patients due to the presence of sugar more in it. 10. Ketone Bodies: Due to the fat catabolism ketones are created in the blood. Ketones are also called acetones. Fat is used to get energy in abnormal conditions such as diabetes mellitus energy is created by burning fat stored in the body other than sugar, and so ketones are formed. So more ketones are excreted in the urine. This condition is called ketonuria.

In the next lesson we will learn about urinary system disease conditions. OK.

Come on…

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