Spinal Column and its Divisions

According to the regions of the Spinal column, we can separate into divisions. Spinal columns comprised of bones in series extending from the neck towards the tail bone. Each bone in this series is called in singular vertebra and vertebrae in plural.

Totally this series of bones numbered is thirty and we can divide this thirty bones into five divisions such as:

(1) Cervical (C)

(2) Thoracic (T or D( dorsal))

(3) Lumbar (L)

(4) Sacral (S)

(5) Coccygeal

Now we can see each division in detail:

(1) Cervical (C):- This division of the backbones are in the neck region. These are seven in numbers (C1 - C7). These bones are called cervical vertebrae.

(2) Thoracic (T or D( dorsal)):- This division of the backbones are in the chest region of our body. These twelve bones are joined to the rib bones. These bones are twelve in number (T1 - T12). These bones are called Thoracic vertebrae.

(3) Lumbar (L):- These bones are in the flank region. Thatis between the ribs and hip bone. These are five in number. These bones are called Lumbar vertebrae.

(4) Sacral (S):- These bones are five in number. These five bones are fused together to form one bone called sacrum.

(5) Coccygeal:- This is a small bone composed of fused pieces. The another name for Coccyx is tail bone.

What is the difference between spinal column and spinal cord?

Now we should understand one important difference between What is Spinal Cord and what is Spinal Column. As we now studied above spinal column are vertebrae whereas Spinal cord is nerves surrounded by the spinal column. Spinal column is comprised of bone tissue whereas spinal cord is comprised of nerve tissue.

Intervertebral Spaces:
These are the spaces between the two vertebrae or two vertebral bones. Between each intervertebral space a cartilageous pad is present which is called disk or disc. This structure is the shock absorbing structure of the back. Sometimes this disc may move out of this space and this condition is called slipped disk.

In the next lesson we will study about POSITIONAL AND DIRECTIONAL PLANES OF THE BODY...COME ON.

Next Lesson 14

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