Skin Tests to Identify a Disease Condition

After so many months of 'rest mode', I am updating free medical transcription course blog for our readers and followers. This post is specially dedicated to knowing something about tests done to identify a skin condition of the disease.

The title of the post may be good if it is 'Integumentary Lab', but for the simplicity of understanding, I have given the title as above.

A screening test for skin is performed on a patient who is healthy.

A wood light is an ultraviolet lamp, under which certain fungi of the skin or hair fluoresce.

KOH or potassium hydroxide prep is used to culture any fungal material collected from the skin.

The Mantoux tuberculin skin test or a TST test is to be done to detect tuberculosis (TB) in a patient.

Tzanck test or Tzanck smear is done to detect any viral infection from vesicular or bullous diseases.

Blood is used to culture for identifying cellulitis in a patient.

Diascope is a small flat piece of clear glass or plastic that is pressed firmly against the skin to differentiate capillary distillation from other causes.

Mites may be shown in a microscopic examination of scrapings from scabies lesions.

To identify any specific antibodies in patients radioallergosorbent testing is done.

Ringworm is caused by a fungus material.

Genital herpes is caused by herpes virus type 2.

Warts are formed by a virus named human papillomavirus.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a pathogen that commonly causes wound and burns infections.

That's all.

In the next post, we will see some common medicines that are used to treat skin diseases. Okay.


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