
Showing posts from March, 2019

Common Disease Conditions of Skin

This post is dedicated knowing something about some abnormal conditions of the skin. We will see one by one now. Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. Impetigo is a skin infection type, which has a quality of spreading and which causes itching and crusted sores.  The common cause of impetigo is Strep or Staph. Folliculitis is an abnormal condition of inflammation of hair follicles. A furuncle or a boil is a deep solitary abscess. Acne may be in the form of a comedone, papule, pustule, or a cyst, which are all manifestations of acne. Hirsutism is an abnormal condition where a person with a lot of body hair. Cellulitis is nothing, but a localized soft tissue infection with swelling, redness, pain, and fever. Athlete's foot is also called as tinea pedis. Shingles is also known as herpes zoster. Vitiligo forms patches of depigmentation widely distributed over the skin of a person due to the destruction of pigment cells. An albino is a ...

Skin Tests to Identify a Disease Condition

After so many months of 'rest mode', I am updating free medical transcription course blog for our readers and followers. This post is specially dedicated to knowing something about tests done to identify a skin condition of the disease. The title of the post may be good if it is 'Integumentary Lab', but for the simplicity of understanding, I have given the title as above. A screening test for skin is performed on a patient who is healthy. A wood light  is an ultraviolet lamp, under which certain fungi of the skin or hair fluoresce. KOH or potassium hydroxide prep is used to culture any fungal material collected from the skin. The Mantoux tuberculin skin test or a TST test is to be done to detect tuberculosis (TB) in a patient. Tzanck test or Tzanck smear is done to detect any viral infection from vesicular or bullous diseases. Blood is used to culture for identifying cellulitis in a patient. Diascope is a small flat piece of clear glas...