Musculoskeletal System Important Abbreviations -2 - Lesson 237

This article continues the prior lesson Musculoskeletal System Important Abbreviations. It has the rest of the abbreviations of this system. From the next lesson, we are going to see the new system that is Integumentary System or Skin.  You guys, please go through all the lessons so far and make familiarized yourselves all the important medical terms of musculoskeletal system.

IM is an abbreviated form of intramuscular, which means within muscle tissues.  Have you ever heard the intramuscular injection? That is in pharmacology a medicinal liquid is injected into a patient via subcutaneous tissues either in the hands or above the buttocks area or in any part of the body. Subcutaneous is the other synonym for the word intramuscular.

The other abbreviation is LE cell, which means lupus erythematosus cell. It means a polymorphonuclear white blood cell that has swallowed a new cell’s nuclear substance subsequent to that cell has changed the natural qualities of that cell.

Ortho is an abbreviated form of orthopedics.  Orthopedics is a medical specialty of studying about musculoskeletal system. P is the abbreviated form for the mineral called phosphorus.  RA is extended as rheumatoid arthritis.  This is an autoimmune disease that will cause a chronic inflammatory condition of the joints.

In the next lesson, we will learn about the rest of the important musculoskeletal abbreviations. Okay. Come on.

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