
Showing posts from January, 2010


ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS The route of administration of drugs can be used to determine the rate and completeness of its absorption into the bloodstream and the speed and duration of the drug. The route of administration of drugs can be broadly classified into four types. They are 1. Oral administration, 2. Sublingual administration, 3. Rectal administration, and 4. Parenteral administration These administration of drugs are briefly described below 1. Oral administration:- These drugs are given by mouth and they are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach or intestinal wall. People who have difficulty swallowing pills or capsules may find it easier to swallow the medication if they look up as they swallow. After swallowing pills people should be given sufficient amount of water so that to dissolve the solid medications. Sometimes it is also ineffective because whenever the drug is unable to pass through the intestinal mucosa. So there are s...


ANALGESICS:-  Analgesics are the drugs used to kill pain. They induce condition of near unconsciousness with the brain's interpretation of the signals. They may produce habit formation and tolerance. There are basically two kinds of analgesics. They are 1. Non-narcotics and 2. Narcotics. The best example for Non-narcotics analgesics is acetaminophen and for Narcotics analgesics is Morphine. Some of the drugs of non-narcotic drugs reduce fever, pain and inflammation in joint disorders. These agents are not steroid harmones and are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Examples of nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug are libuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Naprosen). ANESTHETICS:-  An anesthetic is an agent that reduces or eliminates sensation. If the affect is on the whole body then it is said to be general anesthetic or if the effect is on the particular region then it is said to be local anesthetic. Generally these anesthetics are used for surgical ...


VARIETIES OF DRUGS: A drug can have three varieties of names. They are 1. Chemical name, 2. Generic or official name and 3. Brand (trade or proprietary) name. Chemical name is the chemical formula of the drug. This is useful for the chemist because it shows the structure of the drug. The chemical formula may be long and complicated. Generic or official name may be recognized as identifying the drug for legal and scientific purposes. This name becomes public property by the original manfacturer and any drug manufacturer may use it thereafter.The generic name for each drug is only one. Brand name (trade or proprietary) is the private property for individual drug manufacturer. This is a registered trade name. When a particular brand name is ordered on a prescription by a physician, it must be dispensed by the pharmacist; no other brand name may be substituted. The chemical name of ampicilin is 'derivative of 6-aminopenicillanic acid'. The generic name of ampic...


SUBDIVISIONS OF PHARMACOLOGY: In the previous lesson we came to know about the drugs, pharmacology and their subdivisions  In this lesson we come to know more about the various subdivisions. 1. Medicinal chemistry:- It is the study of synthesis of new drug and the relationship between chemical structure and biological effects. 2. Pharmacodynamics:- It involves the study of drug effects in the body i.e, 'Drug absorption' (how drugs pass into the blood stream), 'Metabolism' (changes drugs undergo within the body), and 'Excretion' (removal of the drug from the body). 3. Pharmocokinetics:- It explains the appearance and disappearance of the drug in the body overtime. 4. Molecular pharmacology:- It is the study of the interaction of the drugs and subcellar entities such as DNA, RNA and enzymes. 5. Chemotherapy:- It defines the study of drugs that destroy microorganisms, parasites, or malignant cells within the body. It also includes the treatme...


PHARMACOLOGY: Let us come to know about the introduction of Drugs in this chapter Introduction:- 1. Drugs are the substances which are used for the prevention or treatment of diseases in a comfortable condition for our human body. 2. Drugs are classified into two types. They are biological and chemical substances. (I) Biological Drugs:- 1. These drugs are obtained from plants, such as the roots, leaves and fruit. Examples of these drugs are digitalis (from the foxglove plant) and antibiotics such as pencillin and streptomycin (from lower plants called molds). 2. These drugs are also obtained from animals Examples of these drugs are hormones are secretions from the glands of animals. (II) Chemical Drugs:- 1. These drugs are syntesized in the laboratory. Examples of these drugs are Anticancer drugs, such as methotrexate and prednisone, 2. These drugs are also contained in food substances called vitamins. Examples of these drugs are vitamin B12. "Drugs ...


ABBREVIATIONS 1. Angio Angiography 2. AP Anteroposterior 3. Ba Barium 4. CAT Computerized axial tomography 5. cGy Centigray 6. C-Spine Cervical spine films 7. CT Computed tomography 8. CXR Chest x-ray 9. Decub Decubitus (lying down) 10. DI Diagnostic imaging 11. DSA Digital subtraction angiography 12. Fx Fracture 13. 67Ga Radioactive gallium (used in whole-body and brain scans) 14. Gy Gray (unit of radiation and equal to 100 rads) 15. 131I Radioactive iodine (used in thyroiduptake, liver and kidney scans and treatment of ...


SUFFIXES 1. -gram means record Angiogram-Record or visual examination of vessels. Hysterosalpingogram Record of uterus or fallopian tubes. Myelogram is the record of spine i.e. bone marrow (Bone marrow). Pyelogram is the record of renal pelvis. 2. -graphy means process of. Computed tomography is the computerised recording axial images of the body organs. 3. -lucent means to shine. Radiolucent means indicating x-rays pass through easily i.e. complete transparent to x-rays or other forms of radiation. 4. -opaque means obscure. Radiopaque is the indication of something that does not allow x-rays to penetrate. 5. -supression means to stop. Myelosuppression is the hush-u of bone marrow from normal functions. 6. -therapy means treatment. Radiotherapy is the treatment using x-rays of radiation. PREFIXES 1. brachy- means short. Brachytherapy is the treatment method of using radiation from short distances. 2. cine- means...


COMBINING FORMS AND THEIR MEANINGS 1. Fluor/o- means flourescence orluminous. Fluroscopy is a visual examination of tissues and deep structures on a fluorescent screen using fluoroscope. 2. Is/o- means same. Radioisotope- The isotope changes to a mere stable state by emitting radiation. 3. Leth/o- means death. Lethal-point to death. 4. Mucos/o- means mucous. Mucositis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane. 5. Pharmaceut/o- means drug. Radiopharmaceutical is combined form of isotope and drug. isotope + drug 6. Radi/o- means x-rays. Radioresistant is the resistance to x-rays. Radiosensitivity is the feature of accepting or responding to x-rays. 7. Roentgen/o- means x-rays. Roentgenology is the stimulation of x-rays. 8. Scintill/o- means spark. Scintillation is the use of diagnostic imaging scanner. 9. Son/o- means sound. Sonogram is the visual examination using sound waves. 10. Therapeut/o- mean...


1. Radiopharmaceutical- A radioactive medicine, which consists of a radionuclide and a chemical substance in combination, which is administered in one piece for diagnostic and curative rationales. 2. Roentgenology- Study of x-rays i.e. radiology. 3. Scan- An all purpose word for pictures of organs, fractions, or oblique or crossway sections of the body part created in a mixture of tactics. A good number are often used to portray pictures taken from ultrascan, CT scan, and other tracer methods. 4. Scintillation scanner- Scintill/o-means glow or glint. An equipment used to become aware of radioactive drug substances stayed inside the body. This method is used to take investigative pictures. 5. SPECT or single-photon emission computed tomography- A radioactive outliner material is brought inside the body using an injection via intravenous route. The pictures are then taken and seen in a computer monitor and three-dimensional views are taken. 6. Taggin...

YouSayToo Awards

YouSayToo-Awards: I have just joined in this great site two days back. The site outlook is wonderful and a feast to the eyes really, as well as the functionality of the site. So I immediately added by blog as the site has the social networking features especially for bloggers. I added my blog immediately and added two posts yesterday and forgot about it. Suddenly when I checked my mails today, I found one invitation mail from YouSayToo that to enter my blog for their blog award competition entry before January 31, 2010 and I amazed and decided to give my entry to the site now. The first prize is $1000 holiday dream gift of my choice. My $1000 holiday dream gift is: I don't know yet, which would be my $1000 holiday gift, but any gift if I am selected would make me merry and happy for sure. Why my blog should win: I am a blogger for the last one year 2009 and I am spending nearly 3 to 4 hours per day to develop my blog to add more lessons and to optimize t...


1. Magnetic resonance imaging- A magnetic ground radio signals are used to outline sagittal, coronal, and axial pictures of the body. 2. Megavoltage- High-energy radiation engendered by means of an equipment and employed in restorative x-ray analysis intended for cancer. 3. Nuclear medicine- This is a medical speciality, which examines and employs of radioactive materials called radionuclides within identification and treatment of ailment. 4. Orthovoltage- Emission of low-energy radioactive waves that are employed in pain-killing radiation therapy and exterior skin cancer diseases. 5. Palliative- Means just soothing or painkilling, not curing completely that is not possible. 6. PET scan or positron emission tomography- Radioactive materials are administered using intravenous route and these substances give out positrons. They generate a cross-sectional picture of the metabolism of the body. These images symbolize local concentration of the radio...


This lesson is the continuation of the lesson 146. 1. In vitro- A method of test or a technique in which something is appraised or monitored from the outer surface of living organism. 2. In vivo- A method of test or a technique in which something is appraised or monitored from within the living organism. 3. Irradiation- Dispensing radiation management of treatment to a patient. 4. MRI or magnetic resonance imaging- A magnetic ground with radio signals are used to outline sagittal, axial, and coronal pictures of the body. 5. Lethal- This is concerning to that which is poisonous, noxious, or fatal. 6. Interstitial Therapy- Radioisotopes are put in using a surgery into a tumor. 7. Interventional Radiology- Healing methods that are carried out by a radiologist. 8. Half-life- Time necessary for a radioactive material to be unable to find half of its radioactivity by breakdown. 9. Ionization- The partition of durable materials into...


In the next lesson we will learn some important medical terms related to radiology nuclear medicine. Okay. 1. Cobalit-60 - A radioactive material in radiotherapy. 2. Brachythrerapy- Brachy- means tiny-Radiation therapy using an implanted radioisotope radiation source. 3. Cineradiography- Employment of motion picture method to document a chain of x-ray representations. 4. Betatron-This is a machine employed in radiotherapy to distribute a prescribed amount of radiation to a patient. 5. External beam radiation - Relevant radiation is used as an outlying source. 6. CT scan or computed tomography - Investigative x-ray technique by which a cross-section representation of pictures taken of an exact portion of the body is documented. 7. Fluorescence - The production of blazing light that results from contact to and incorporation of radiation from x-rays. 8. Fluoroscopy - A fluorescent representation of x-rays taken on a screen. ...


Brachytherapy comprises interstitial therapy and intracavitary therapy. To facilitate delivery of interstitial therapy, a radioactive material for example gold-198, iridium-192 or iodine-125 is put in using a surgery in the surrounding area. The radionuclide is inserted as an element of strands using tiny preserved bud vases or in detachable needles. These stands are called seeds. In the intracavitary therapy the radioactive source is placed closest to the tumor inside a body cavity. For this process radioactive materials like radium, cesium-137 or phosphorous-32 are used. Uterus, cervix, and vaginal cancers are managed using intracavitary therapy. Dispensation of radioactive materials into the bloodstream is one more variety of radiotherapy. For this method of radiotherapy iodine-131 is used to treat hyperthyroidism and thyroid carcinoma. Iodine-131 is dispensed orally in hyperthyroidism and this material mixed with blood and mounts up in the thyroid gland. This...


Radiation Therapy:  X-rays and radionuclides are used in the medical field for both detecting disease, as well as curing diseases in the form of therapy. Using large doses of radiation materials via therapy is life-threatening event to the calls of the body those are irradiated. The specialization of radiation oncology has been chiefly ready to lend a hand as a technique for the handling of cancers. The equipments used for radiation oncology are unlike from those used for detection of diseases. The machines used in radiation therapy bring about rays of many times higher intensity. Orthovoltage machines deliver low-energy radiation, which in modern treatment centers is used in managing cancers for superficial skin cancers. Megavoltage machines produce high-energy radiation. These megavoltage machines are used to heal more profound tissues. This is curative radiotherapy treatment for cancer. Betatron and linear accelerator are the two types of radiother...