
Showing posts from August, 2009

Cancer Formation

CARCINOGENESIS:   Carcin/o means cancer and -genesis means formation that is the conversion of a normal cell to a cancerous ell is called carcinogenesis.   We can understand the process of malignant conversion of a cell on the basis of genetic material called DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid of the cell. Filaments of DNA in the cell nucleus form chromosomes, which are simply seen from time to time during the development series of the cell. DNA has the power of not only in the production of new cells, but also the cell's capacity to breed. DNA is full of codes or programs called genes that guide the construction of new proteins called protein synthesis. When a cell splits, the DNA substance duplicates itself so that the identical DNA is passed to two new cells that are formed. This process is called mitosis or self-replication. Among cycles of replication, DNA doles out as the workstation program that guides the cell's vital functions. DNA drives a molecular note to th...


This is the continuation of the lesson mesothelioma diagnosis using many techniques. MEDIASTINOSCOPY TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Mediastinoscopy is now and then used to give support to in staging to know the extent of mesothelioma cancer. The distended inflamed nodes appear while by means of imaging techniques. LAPAROSCOPY TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Laparoscopy technique is used in patients with mesothelioma on the circumstances where imaging techniques put forward potential invasion of the tumor through the diaphragm. This in sequence know how to be imperative in assessing a patient for budding pleurectomy or extrapleural pneumonectomy. MESOMARK BLOOD TEST TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   SMRP is extended as Soluble Mesothelin-Related Peptide is a protein or a biomarker is released into the blood of a patient with mesothelioma by the cancer cells. The amount of SMRP in a blood sample is measured. This is an better option to monitor mesot...


This is the continuation of the lesson mesothelioma diagnosis using many techniques.  VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC SURGERY (VATS) TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) is used in the recent years is one of the good number far and wide used paraphernalia in the assessment of mesothelioma cancer. The biopsy samples of the nodules, pleural lining, masses, and pleural fluid can at present without difficulty be there gotten hold of using VATS, a simple invasive procedure. At the same time as, the supplementary therapies for example pleurodesis (talc) for pleural effusions consider to be done. At the same time as under general anesthesia of the patient a quite a lot of small incisions called ports are created through the chest wall. In this procedure the surgeon then inserts a small camera, via a scope, into one incision, and other surgical instruments used to retrieve tissue samples into the other incisions. By looking at a video sc...

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer Diagnosis Techniques - 2 - Lesson 97

This is the continuation of the lesson mesothelioma diagnosis using many techniques. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA: MRI scans are in the largest part over and over again used to establish the degree of growth of cancer earlier than any aggressive handling of the cancer. For the reason that MRI scans make available images in numerous planes. MRI scans are better have the ability to make out tumors as contrasting to normal structures. MRI scan technique is useful in analyzing a candidate whether he needs a surgery or not. MRI scans are more precise than CT scans in reviewing growth of the lymph nodes in the mediastinum those are between the two lungs. MRI scans give an obvious diaphragmatic surface. POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY (PET) SCAN TECHNIQUE TO DIAGNOSE MESOTHELIOMA:   Nowadays PET scan imaging is appropriate for the diagnosis and assessment of mesothelioma. At the same time as PET scans are high-priced than others and...


The analysis for mesothelioma is commonly attained with cautious evaluation of findings of both clinical and radiological results as well as to an authenticated biopsy of tissue affected.  An evaluation of medical history of the patient such as the past asbestos exposure if any is considered followed by a thorough physical examination of the patient. X-rays of the chest and abdomen is also done. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are also taken with a CT scan or MRI imaging studies with it. These procedures and tests may confirm the presence of mesothelioma factors in the body. A tissue biopsy will probably confirm mesothelioma. Imaging Techniques to diagnose Mesothelioma:There are more than a few imaging methods possibly will be helpful in the cases of presence of pleural effusion in cases who has the asbestos exposure occupationally or any other secondary exposures.At the same time as these imaging methods can be costly in reviewing the likelihood of mesothelioma, a state-o...

Attributes of Malignant Tumors and Benign Tumors - Lesson 95

Tumors or neoplasms are masses or growths that arise from normal tissues. They may be either malignant (progressive and lethal) or benign (not lethal and not progressive). There are several differences between benign and malignant tumors. Differences between a malignant tumors and benign tumors:   Benign tumors grow slowly. Malignant tumors grow rapidly as their ells are multiplied speedily. Benign tumors are often encapsulated that is contained within a fibrous capsule or cover. So that the tumor cells do not invade the surrounding tissue. Malignant tumor growth is characteristically invasive and infiltrative extending beyond the tissue of origin into adjacent organs. Benign tumors are composed of highly organized and specialized that is differentiated cells, which closely resemble normal, mature tissue. Malignant tumors are composed of cancerous cells that resemble primitive or embryonic cells that do not have the capacity for mature cellular functions. These types of m...

Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma-Lesson 92

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF MESOTHELIOMA: The primary symptom of mesothelioma is shortness of breath. This happens due to the accumulation of fluids between the lung and the chest wall due to mesothelioma. Chest wall pain is also another symptom due to this condition, as well as weight loss. The disease condition can be confirmed by a chest X-ray with a CT scan. A lung biopsy taken from the tissue of the lung can confirm the diagnosis after the visual examination under the microscope. Mesothelioma mainly has an effect on the pleura the outer lining of the lung and can produce some signs and symptoms such as chest wall pain, pleural effusion or fluid surrounding the lung, shortness of breath due to the fluid accumulation between the lung and chest wall, weakness, anemia, short windedness, voice huskiness, or cough. Weight loss is also a symptom in the severe conditions of mesothelioma. Thrombophlebitis may also another symptom, in which case blood accumulates in the vei...


What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a structural outline of cancer that is more or less for all time originated by contact to asbestos. In this ailment, malignant cells increase in the mesothelium (a solitary coating of cells contouring serous cavities form an cellular avascular layer), which is shielding nearly all of the body's inner organs. Outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall called pleura is the usual place common of mesothelium. Mesothelium is also occur in the lining of the abdominal cavity called peritoneum, the sac like structure covering the heart called pericardium, and tunica vaginalis. Nearly all natives who build up mesothelioma have employed on professions where they breathe in asbestos atoms or these natives have been rendered to asbestos power and filaments in other ways. Asbestos exposure can also take place for one who washes the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos may also put at risk for developing mesothelioma. O...


In the coming lessons we will learn about cancer. WHAT DOES CANCER MEAN? Every single livelihood for instance microorganisms, creepy-crawly insects, animals, and human beings are constructed of abundant cells. Human body itself is constructed of millions of cells that are particularly modified to accomplish specific roles for example sex cells, sperms, and egg (these cells perform the role of reproduction). What is a cell? The cell is the basic unit of all living things or organisms, which can duplicate itself exactly. A tissues is a gathering or one type of cells of same kind for instance nervous tissue, muscular tissue, connective tissue, etc, A collection of same kind of tissues form an organ, such a heart, lungs, liver, etc. In other words, an organ is a part of the body, composed of more than one tissue. As the human body grows from babyhood to parenthood, the cells belonging to different tissues and organs break up and subdivide in anticipation of more in...


In this post, we will learn about the important urinary system abbreviations. As a medical transcription learner, you should all be familiar with these abbreviations, as physicians often use these words while they dictate live files in companies when you involve in medical transcription job online live. So be careful to study these words and their meanings and also familiarize with them. 1. ARF-Acute Renal Failure 2. ADH-Antidiuretic Hormone (also known as vasopressor) 3. BUN-Blood Urea Nitrogen 4. CAPD-Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis 5. Cath.,-catheterization 6. Cl-chloride 7. CRF-Chronic Renal Failure 8. Cysto-Cystoscopic examination 9. ESRD-End-stage Renal Failure 10. ESWL-Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy 11. HCO3-Bicarbonate (an electrolyte) 12. HD-Hemodialysis 13. IVP-Intravenous Pyelogram 14. K+-Potassium (an electrolyte) 15. KUB-Kidney Ureter and Bladder 16. Na+-Sodium (an electrolyte) 17. pH-Symbol of value or urine acidity or...


MRI or magnetic resonance imaging: The images of the retroperitoneal and pelvic regions of a patient is taken by lying the patient in a cylindrical MRI appliance. Protons are the kind of images taken by this machine when the internal organs moving. The images can be taken in all the three planes of the body such as sagittal, transverse, and frontal. 9. Ultrasonography: Sound waves are used to find the abnormalities in the kidneys such as tumors, size of the kidneys, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidneys or any obstructions can be found out using this. 10. Dialysis: Waste materials are filtered out using a machine when the kidney are no more working. Dialysis are of two types. They are of Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is a filtering of the patient's blood by sending the waste material filled blood into a dialysis machine and filtered out and then the blood is send back to the patient's body. Peritoneal dialysis is done by using a peritoneal catheter by int...


1. CT scan: This is a visual examination to find out cysts, hydronephrosis, tumors, or any abscesses in the kidneys. This can be done with a contrast material injected into the kidney or without any contrast material. 2. KUB or kidney, ureter, and bladder: This is an x-ray study done to measure the size of the kidneys and also to find out the exact position setting of the kidneys in relation to other organs in the abdominopelvic regions. 3. IVP or intravenous pyelogram: Another name of this test is excretory urogram or IVP tomography. This test is done to find out the tumors, infections, cysts, renal stones, or hydronephrosis in the kidneys. This visual examination is done by injecting a contrast material in a vein that goes directly to any kidney. The contrast material then filtered out in the urine by the kidney. Films are taken following the travelling of the contrast material through the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra and the abnormalities are found out. 4...


There are two type blood lab tests to analyze the kidney function. They are of BUN or blood urea nitrogen and creatinine clearance test. We will see one by one now. 1. BUN or blood urea nitrogen: BUN determines the total urea content in the blood. If the kidneys fails to excrete urea from blood due to any disease conditions, then urea accumulates in the blood and so uremia occurs. This is a serious condition. One may even attain coma or even die. In normal conditions the urea level in the blood is low due to be excreted by the kidneys. 2. Creatinine clearance test: The efficiency of the kidneys of how they eliminate creatinine from the blood is proved by this test. This test is done by draw a sample of blood and its creatinine level is measured. Then urine samples collected for the 24-hour period and its creatinine levels are measured. The blood creatinine level will be high if kidneys are not functioning well. In the next lesson we will learn about urological clin...


This lesson is the continuation of the lesson 84. 10. Nephrosclerosis: This is an abnormal condition of thickening of arteriole walls of the kidney. 11. Wilm's tumor: Babyhood malignant tumor of the kidneys. Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation are the treatments for this tumour. It should be treated before its spread otherwise cannot be cured. Bladder cancer: This cancer is common in industry worker and in tobacco users. The occurrence of this cancer is in general in men who are above 50 years old. The symptoms of bladder cancer are increased urinary frequency, dysuria, and hematuria. Biopsy of the urinary bladder and cystoscopy are the visual examinations of this cancer. Electrocauterization is the method to remove external tumors, but if the tumor is deep and then invasive methods such as cystectomy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the other options of treatment. Diabetes mellitus: This is condition happened outside the kidneys but related to kidneys. In d...


This lesson is the continuation of urinary system disease conditions. 5. Polycystic kidneys: There are manifold liquefied pouches or cysts formed inside the kidneys. This is a genetic condition that typically stays behind asymptomatic or no symptom revealed until one's adult life. The symptoms in the adult life reveals this condition are enlargement of the kidneys (nephromegaly), hematuria (blood in the urine), UTI (urinary tract infection), uremia, and hypertension. 6. Pyelonephritis: This is a disease condition caused by a bacteria due to the inflammation of the renal pelvis in the kidneys. Pus is collected in the renal pelvis as tiny abscesses. The symptom of this disease is pyuria that is excretion of pus in the urine. Surgical repair is needed to remove the obstructions and antibiotics are the treatment options for this disease condition. 7. Kidney failure or renal failure: In this disease condition kidneys fail to send out urine. Nitrogenous wastes and some acids ar...


1. Bright's Disease or Glomerulonephritis: Inflammation of the kidneys. This is of two types such as, acute glomerulonephritis and chronic glomerulonephritis. When bacteria named Streptococcus infect kidneys, the symptoms will appear after 10 to 15 days. This will cure spontaneously. But if it persists for a longtime that is called chronic glomerulonephritis. This is a serious pathological condition. Symptoms of chronic disease are high blood pressure, albuminuria, kidney failure, and uremia. In more serious conditions kidney transplant and dialysis are needed. 2. Interstitial Nephritis: Renal tubules in the kidneys are connected by connective tissues called renal interstitium. When these tissues are infected that condition is called interstitial nephritis. Symptoms of this condition are fever, eosinophilia, skin rash, and poor kidney function. Corticosteroids are the anti-inflammatory drugs useful to cure this disease. 3. Nephrotic syndrome: Syndrome is a group of symptoms....


This lesson continues the prior lesson Urinalysis.6. Pus: Presence of pus in the urine is called pyuria. The urine is turbid or gloomy in color. This condition is due to the presence of more white blood cells in the urine. White blood cells are called leukocytes. Bacterial infection of the kidney or urinary bladder is the reason for this condition. 7. Glucose: Renal tubules in the kidney are unable to reabsorb the sugars from the urine and so more sugars excreted. This condition is called glycosuria. When the sugar is more in the blood this condition is called hyperglycemia. Glycosuria is a symptom of diabetes mellitus.8. Sediment: Urine is residuous or sedimentuous when it contains the red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, bacteria, and crystals. The presence of these materials in the urine is a disease condition. Specific Gravity: This is a test of urine density. This density is compared with water density and the difference says the nature of the urine. Neph...


In the next lesson we will learn about Urinalysis. Urinalysis is an examination to ascertain the occurrence of any abnormal chemical substances in the urine. There are 10 types of tests are there for the urine to determine it is contaminated or infected. They are of as following: 1. Color 2. Bilirubin 3. pH 4. Phenylketonuria (PKU) 5. Protein 6. Pus or Pyruia 7. Glucose 8. Sediments 9. Glucose 10. Ketone bodies Now we will see about one by one in details. 1. Color: Straw color or Amber color is the normal color of the urine. If urine contains more water then it will be colorless or wishy-washy in appearance. Abnormal urine would be of cloudy in color or may be red in color with blood. Some food or drugs we intake may change sometimes the color of the urine too that is not a consideration or abnormality. 2. Bilirubin: Bilirubin is a substance created when hemoglobin is broken down in the blood. This material may be excreted in the urine may be a symptom of gallbladd...