
Common Disease Conditions of Skin

This post is dedicated knowing something about some abnormal conditions of the skin. We will see one by one now. Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. Impetigo is a skin infection type, which has a quality of spreading and which causes itching and crusted sores.  The common cause of impetigo is Strep or Staph. Folliculitis is an abnormal condition of inflammation of hair follicles. A furuncle or a boil is a deep solitary abscess. Acne may be in the form of a comedone, papule, pustule, or a cyst, which are all manifestations of acne. Hirsutism is an abnormal condition where a person with a lot of body hair. Cellulitis is nothing, but a localized soft tissue infection with swelling, redness, pain, and fever. Athlete's foot is also called as tinea pedis. Shingles is also known as herpes zoster. Vitiligo forms patches of depigmentation widely distributed over the skin of a person due to the destruction of pigment cells. An albino is a ...

Skin Tests to Identify a Disease Condition

After so many months of 'rest mode', I am updating free medical transcription course blog for our readers and followers. This post is specially dedicated to knowing something about tests done to identify a skin condition of the disease. The title of the post may be good if it is 'Integumentary Lab', but for the simplicity of understanding, I have given the title as above. A screening test for skin is performed on a patient who is healthy. A wood light  is an ultraviolet lamp, under which certain fungi of the skin or hair fluoresce. KOH or potassium hydroxide prep is used to culture any fungal material collected from the skin. The Mantoux tuberculin skin test or a TST test is to be done to detect tuberculosis (TB) in a patient. Tzanck test or Tzanck smear is done to detect any viral infection from vesicular or bullous diseases. Blood is used to culture for identifying cellulitis in a patient. Diascope is a small flat piece of clear glas...

Current Trend in Medical Transcription Jobs

In the last 10 years, medical transcription industry jobs have been reducing compared to the last few years back.  The main reason for this is voice recognition technology is growing day by day as well as companies are reducing comparatively less job flow because of alternative database management methods such as partial dictations etc. This change I personally could feel in the last 5 years.  If I resign my job for any reasons such as increased salary or any other reasons I could get another medical transcription job easily in 10 days' time, but nowadays getting a new job in transcription field is getting tougher compared to a few years back trend. When I joined as a medical transcription trainee in an institution in Tamilnadu in 2006, companies were asking 98% as the accuracy score level to pass as a trainee to promote live production to a worker.  This accuracy score in a few years had increased to 98.5, and now it is increased to 99.5 in some leading compani...

The Longest Medical Word

Today, we will know about an interesting medical term in medical language. This post is just to know about a different thing in the medical language, though this word is used very rarely in our day-to-day medical transcription work. The longest medical word is "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"!!!!!. Can you read at least Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.  Now, we will see the meaning of this word.  To know the meaning shall we split the word by word. Okay.  1.  Pneumono 2.  Ultramicrosopic 3.  Silico 4.  Volcano 5.  Conosis. So, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis comprises of 5 medical words and in combination, they give a meaning of a certain kind of disease condition related to lungs.  Now, we will see the meaning of each to get the combined understanding of the longest medical word. Pneumono means lungs, ultramicroscopic - means minute, silico means silicon, volc...

Parts of Speech - Noun, Pronoun, Verb, and Adverb - A Medical Transcriptionist Must Know.

Grammar is very crucial in any language.  A medical transcriptionist must be well-versed in his language skills i.e. writing skills.  This unavoidable skill needs specialized knowledge in English grammar apart from strong listening skills and medical language skills, computer operating skills, and fast typing skills are of having secondary importance to be a successful medical transcription professional. In this post, we will see about basic parts of speech in English, such as, 1.  NOUN. 2.  PRONOUN. 3.  VERB. 4.  ADVERB.  We will see about one by one now. 1.  Noun - A noun is used to denote a name of a person, animal, place, of a inhuman thing in the universe.  For example, 1.  John is a name that denotes a boy.  2.  Dog is a name that specifies an animal. 3.  San Diego is mentioned to denote a place. 4.  Stone is denoted to specify an inhuman thing. Further read about NOUN 2. ...

25 Important Medical Transcription Slangs and Terms

This post is about 25 Important Medical Transcription Slangs and Terms.  1.  Bili - Bilirubin 2.  Fluoro - Fluoroscope 3.  Retic - Reticulocyte 4.  Chem - Chemistry 5.  Echo - Echocardiogram 6.  Primip - Primipara (first pregnancy) 7.  Cysto - Cysto means urinary bladder 8.  Dc'd - Discontinued 9.  Trach - Tracheostomy 10.  Dig (dij) - Digoxin 11.  Coag - Coagulation rate 12.  Fib - Fibers 13.  Ca (CA) - Calcium 14.  Procto - Proctodaeum (Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm) 15.  Lytes - Electrolytes 16.  Cath - Catheter 17.  Mets - Metastasis 18.  Diff - Differential 19.  Nitro - Nitroglycerine 20.  Peds - Pediatrics 21.  'crit - Hematocrit 22.  Lap chole - Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 23.  Meds - Medications 24.  tic - Sudden and uncontro...

8 Important Gastrointestinal Medical Terms and Definitions

This free medical transcription course post explains 8 important medical terms that are used on a daily basis when processing live transcription files as a daily job. 1.  Deglutition:  The process of swallowing food materials is known as deglutition. 2.  Dysphagia:  An abnormal condition of difficulty of swallowing of food stuffs by a person. 3.  Nasal Regurgitation:  Back flow of food material from the stomach to the nose. 4.  Bolus:  Food mixed with salivary juice while chewing food. 5.  Chyme:  Partially digested food material inside the mouth is called chyme. 6.  Achalasia Cardia:  Inability of lower esophageal sphincter to relax. 7.  Orifice:  Opening. 8.  Pneumonitis:  Inflammation of the walls of the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs. In the next post, we will study about important 20 gastrointestinal medical terms.  To go to the prior post CLI...