Medical Professional Degrees

In this post, we will know about important professional degree courses in medical profession. As a medical transcription learner, you should know about this, in general.

1. BS - Bachelor of Surgery

2.  AAMA - American Association for Medical Assistant

3.  RRA - Registered Record Administrator

4.  PA - Physician Assistant

5.  AHIMA - American Health Information Management Association

6.  AMA - American Medical Association

7.   AS - Associate of Science

8.  RN - Registered Nurse

9.  ART - Accredited Record Technician

10.  MAT - Master of Arts and Teaching

11.  BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts

12.  AAMT - American Association of Medical Transcription

13.  BSN - Bachelor of Science and Nursing

14.  CMA - Certified Medical Assistant - Clinical

15.  CMT - Certified Medical Transcriptionist

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