Now in this post we would learn about somatoform disorders and others.
Somatoform disorders:- These are a group of disorders in which it is a mental disorder characterized by physical symptoms for which no particular cause or injury can occur. The physical symptoms such as abdominal or chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, palpitations, deafness, blindness, and paralysis are not oftenly explained by a physical or other mental disorders or by injury and are not side effects of medication, drugs, or alcohol. People who suffer this disorder may go various medical evaluations and tests to be confident that they do not have an illness related to a physical cause or central lesion. Whenever the patients suffer from this disorder they become worried so that the doctors are also unable to find a reason for their health problems. The symptoms are lasted for several years like the other illnesses.

Examples of  Somatoform disorders are 1. Conversion disorder and  2.Hypochondriasis.

Let us know briefly about this disorders
Then come on

1. Conversion disorder:-This is a loss of physical functioning that suggests a physical disorder but instead that is an expression of a psychological conflict or need. The patient usually has a feared or unconscious conflict that threatens to escape from a defense mechanism in which a person removes unacceptable ideas or impulses from consciousness is nothing but called as "repression", but the energies dealing with this confict are experienced as a physical symptom. This symptom enables the person to avoid the conflict and get support from the surrounding environment. The examples of these symptoms are paralysis, blindness, seizures, paresthesias, and dyskinesia.

1. The nice example for this symptom is that a person with repressed anger and desire to physically harm a family member may suddenly develop paralysis of the arm.  
2. Another best example of this disorder is shell shock or combat fatigue, in which a soldier becomes paralysed and cannot participate in battle.

2. Hypochondriasis:- Hypochondria, we already discussed about this as health phobia is an excessive preoccupation with bodily aches, pains, and discomforts in the absence of real illness. Appropriate physical evaluation does not support the diagnosis of any physical disorder that can account for the symptoms or the person's unwarranted interpretation of them. Most of the people who suffers from this disorder focus on a particular symptom as the catalyst of their worrying, such as gastro-intestinal problems, muscle fatigue or palpitations.

Substance-related disorders:- These disorders are characterized by symptoms and behavioral changes dealt with regular use of substances that affect the central nervous system. Continued or regular use of some drugs produces a state of dependence. Psychological dependence is a compulsion to continue taking a drug despite adverse consequences, and physical dependence is characterized by the onset of withdrawal symptoms when the drug is discontinued abruptly. A definite feature of dependence is tolerance. Tolerance is the declining effect of the drug so that the dose must be increased to give the same effect.

In the next post we would learn about the examples of the substances with drug abuse and dependence
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