This lesson concludes Radiology. From the next lesson we will learn about Pharmacology. Okay.
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1. Angio Angiography
2. AP Anteroposterior
3. Ba Barium
4. CAT Computerized axial tomography
5. cGy Centigray
6. C-Spine Cervical spine films
7. CT Computed tomography
8. CXR Chest x-ray
9. Decub Decubitus (lying down)
10. DI Diagnostic imaging
11. DSA Digital subtraction angiography
12. Fx Fracture
13. 67Ga Radioactive gallium (used in whole-body and
brain scans)
14. Gy Gray (unit of radiation and equal to 100 rads)
15. 131I Radioactive iodine (used in thyroiduptake, liver and
kidney scans and treatment of malignant and nonmalignant
conditions of the thyroid)
16. IVP Intravenous pyelogram
17. KUB Kidneys, ureters, bladder
(x-ray wihtout contrast medium)
18. LAT Lateral
19. LS Films Lumbosacral spine films
20. mCi Millicurie (measure of radiation)
21. Ci Microcurie (measure of radiation)
22. MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
23. MUGA Multiple-gated acquisition scan
(radioactive test to show heart function)
24. PA Posteroanterior
25. PET Positron emission tomography
26. rad Radiation absorbed dose
27. SPECT Single-photon emission computed tomography;
radioactive substances and a computer are used
to create three-dimensional images
28. 99mTc Radioactive technitium (used in brain, skull, thyroid, liver,
spleen, bone,and lung scans)
29. UGI Upper gastrointestinal series
30. US,U/S Ultrasound
31. VQ Ventilation perfusion scan of the lungs
32. XRT Radiation therapy
This lesson concludes Radiology. From the next lesson we will learn about Pharmacology. Okay.
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