1. Bucc/o means cheek or gena. Buccal is pertaining to cheek.
2. Cec/o means cecum or the first part of the large intestine. Cecal hernia is the hernia of the cecum.
3. Celi/o means abdomen. Celiac artery is the artery in the abdomen.
4. Chol/e means bile. Cholecyst is the another name for gallbladder.
5. Cheil/o means lip. Cheilophagia is the abnormal condition of biting of the lips.
6. Cholangi/o means bile duct. Cholangiography is the radiographic examination of the bile ducts.
7. Choledoch/o means common bile duct. Choledochojejunostomy is the creation of a direct communication between the common bile duct and the jejunum by a surgical procedure.

8. Col/o means colon or large intestine. Colocentesis is the surgical puncture of the colon to relieve distention.

9. Colon/o means colon. Colonogram is the visual examination of the colon.

10. Duoden/o means duodenum or the first part of the small intestine. Duodenocholangitis is the inflammation of the duodenum and common bile duct.

11. Dent/i means teeth. Dentia is the process of teeth growth or breakdown. Dentiform means tooth-shaped.

12. Esophag/o means esophagus. Esophagocele is the hernia of the mucous membrane of the esophagus into a tear in the muscular coat.

13. Glyc/o means glucose or sugar. Glycogenesis is the formation of glucose from D-glucose.

14. Gloss/o means language or tongue. Glossocele is the hernia or protrusion of the tongue from the mouth.

15. Gingiv/o means gums. Gingivoplasty is the surgical procedure of reshaping the gum tissues.

16. Gastr/o means stomach or abdomen. Gastrocele is the hernia or protrusion of a portion of the stomach.

17. Herni/o means hernia or rupture. Herniography is the visual examination of a hernia using contrast medium via an injection.

18. Hepat/o means liver. Hepatomegaly is the enlargement of the liver.

19. Jejun/o means jejunum or the middle portion of the intestine. Jejunocolostomy is the surgical procedure of creating communication between the jejunum and the colon.

20. Ile/o means ileum i.e. third longest portion of the small intestine. Ileocecostomy is the surgical procedure called anastomosis to create communication or link.

21. Labi/o means lips. Labiodental is the word relating both lips and teeth.

22. Lingu/o means tongue. Linguoclusion is the dislocation of a tooth.

23. Lip/o means fat or lipid. Liposuction is the method of removing surplus fat using suction tubes percutaneously.

24. Lith/o means stone or calculus or calcification. Lithogenesis is the formation of stone in the body.

25. Odont/o means teeth or teeth. Odontalgia is the pain in the teeth i.e. tootheache.

26. Or/o means mouth. Oropharyngeal is the word relating mouth and the pharynx.

27. Pylor/o means pylorus. Pyloroplasty is the surgical procedure to widen the pyloric canal by an incision.

28. Proct/o means anus or rectum. Proctolysis is the continuous and slow dispensation of saline solution into the anus and sigmoid colon.

29. Pancreat/o means pancreas. Pancreatolith is the stone in the pancreas.

30. Palat/o means palate. Palatoglossal is the word pertaining to both palate and tongue.

31. Rect/o means rectum. Rectoperineal is pertaining to both rectum and perineum.

32. Stomat/o means mouth. Stomatodynia is the pain in the mouth.

33. Steat/o means fat. Steatorrhea is the excessive excretion of fat in feces.

34. Splen/o means spleen. Splenodynia is the pain in the spleen.

35. Sialaden/o means salivary gland. Sialadenitis is the inflammation of the salivary gland.

In the next lesson we will study about Laboratory tests related to digestive system okay..

Come on.

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