1. Aphthous stomatitis (aphtha)- Idiopathic or cause unknown oral ulcers of small in size due to inflammation with formation of a gray exudate. This condition is also called canker sores. Aphth/o means ulcer.

2. Dental caries- Tooth decomposition or tooth decay. a localized, increasingly damaging disease of the teeth which starts at the external surface (usually the enamel) with the obvious termination of the inorganic components by organic acids that are produced in immediate nearness to the tooth by the enzymatic action of masses of microorganisms (in the bacterial plaque) on carbohydrates.

3. Herpetic stomatitis- Inflammation of the gums, lips, palate, and tongue i.e. whole mouth by the herpesvirus.
4. Oral leukoplakia (smoker’s patches)- A white patch of oral or female genital mucous membrane that cannot be cleaned off and cannot be diagnosed clinically as any particular disease. This is a precancerous state. The etiological factors are chronic alcohol and tobacco use.

5. Periodontal disease- Disease due to the inflammation of the gums, teeth, and surround tissues called pyorrhea (py/o means pus).
In the next lesson we will learn more about disease conditions of gastrointestinal tract..ok
Come on...

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