ROOT: This is the foundation of the word.  All medical terms consists of one or more pulmonology in this word pulm/ is the ROOT, which means lung.  See some more examples:
1. gastritis (inflammation of the intestine) - gastr/o is the ROOT, which means intestine.
2. hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) - hepa/o is the root, which means liver
3. cardiology (study of heart) - cardi/0 means heart
4. adenoma (tumorous mass) - aden/o means gland
5. arthritis (inflammation of the joint) - arthr/o means joint
6. biology (study of life) - bio/o means life
7. carcinoma (cancerous tumor) - carcin/o means cancerous tumor
8. cardiology - cardi/o means heart
9. cephalic - cephal/o means head
10. incision - cis/o means cutting into
11. endocrine - crini/o means gland
12. cytology - cyt/o means cell
13. cystoscopy - cyst/o means bladder
14. dermatitis- derm/o means skin
15. dermatology - dermat/o means skin
16. electrocardiogram - electro/o means electricity
17. encephalopathy - encephal/o means head
18. enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine) - enter/o - means small intestine
19. erythrocyte (red blood cell) - erythr/o means red
20. gastrology (study of stomach) - gastr/o means stomach
21. diagnosis (complete knowledge) - gnos/o means knowledge
22. gynecology (study of woman)- gynec/o means female
23. hematology (study of blood)- hemat/o means blood
24. hematoma (blood tumor) - hem/o means blood
25. hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) hepat/o means liver
26. iatrogenic (state of unexpected side effects) iatr/o means unexpected
27. leukemia (abnormal increase of white blood cells) leuk/o white cell
28. nephrology (study of kidneys) nephr/o means kidney
29. neurology (study of nerves) neur/o means nerve
30. oncology (study of tumors) onc/o means tumor
31. ophthalmology (visual study of eyes) ophthalm/o means eyes
32. osteitis (inflammation of bones) oste/o means bone
33. pathology (microscopic examination of a death cells) path/o means death body
34. pediatrician (specialist in children) ped/o means child
35. psychology (study of mind) psych/o means mind
36. radiology (study of x-rays) radi/o means x-rays
37. renal (pertaining to kidneys) ren/o means kidney
38. rhinitis (study of nose) rhin/o means nose
39. sarcoma (malignant tumor) sarc/o means malignant
40. resection (resection or cutting back) sect/o means cutting
41. thrombocyte (clotting cells or platelets) thromb/o means clot
42. urology (study of urine) ur/o means urine

COMBINING VOWEL: In all these root we see the letter /O/, which combines root to the suffixor word ending. This attaches the root to the rest of the word to give a full word with one meaning.

now you can understand what is COMBINING FORMS AND ROOT, AND THE FUNCTION OF COMBINING the next lesson we will study more about MEDICAL WORD ANALYSIS..ok come on...

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