
Showing posts from March, 2017

Parts of Speech - Noun, Pronoun, Verb, and Adverb - A Medical Transcriptionist Must Know.

Grammar is very crucial in any language.  A medical transcriptionist must be well-versed in his language skills i.e. writing skills.  This unavoidable skill needs specialized knowledge in English grammar apart from strong listening skills and medical language skills, computer operating skills, and fast typing skills are of having secondary importance to be a successful medical transcription professional. In this post, we will see about basic parts of speech in English, such as, 1.  NOUN. 2.  PRONOUN. 3.  VERB. 4.  ADVERB.  We will see about one by one now. 1.  Noun - A noun is used to denote a name of a person, animal, place, of a inhuman thing in the universe.  For example, 1.  John is a name that denotes a boy.  2.  Dog is a name that specifies an animal. 3.  San Diego is mentioned to denote a place. 4.  Stone is denoted to specify an inhuman thing. Further read about NOUN 2. ...

25 Important Medical Transcription Slangs and Terms

This post is about 25 Important Medical Transcription Slangs and Terms.  1.  Bili - Bilirubin 2.  Fluoro - Fluoroscope 3.  Retic - Reticulocyte 4.  Chem - Chemistry 5.  Echo - Echocardiogram 6.  Primip - Primipara (first pregnancy) 7.  Cysto - Cysto means urinary bladder 8.  Dc'd - Discontinued 9.  Trach - Tracheostomy 10.  Dig (dij) - Digoxin 11.  Coag - Coagulation rate 12.  Fib - Fibers 13.  Ca (CA) - Calcium 14.  Procto - Proctodaeum (Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm) 15.  Lytes - Electrolytes 16.  Cath - Catheter 17.  Mets - Metastasis 18.  Diff - Differential 19.  Nitro - Nitroglycerine 20.  Peds - Pediatrics 21.  'crit - Hematocrit 22.  Lap chole - Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 23.  Meds - Medications 24.  tic - Sudden and uncontro...