
Showing posts from May, 2016

Gastrointestinal Words in Medical Transcription

Some of these gastrointestinal system words and definitions are used in Medical Transcription field. In all medical transcription documents, these words are used in all parts especially in the physical examination part. 1.  Hypercardia - Hypertrophy (enlargement) of the heart. 2.  Hyperventillation - Excessive breathing.  3.  Mastication - Chewing. 4.  Pulse oxymetry - A device to deduct the oxygen in the human. 4.   BAG - Blood Arterial Gas Analysis. 5.  Salivary amylase - the enzyme that digests carbohydrates in the human gastrointestinal system. 6.  Mastication - Chewing of food. 7.  Buccal Mucosa - Inner layer of mouth. 8.  Lingual - related to tongue. 9.  Hypoxemia - Reduced oxygen in blood. 10.  Sialorrhea - excessive formation of saliva (hypersalivation) 11.  Oral cavity - Space inside the mouth. 12.  Digestive tract - It consists of mouth, esophagus, stomac...

Medical Transcription Important Slangs

These slangs are short forms of important medial words often used in medical transcription documents as a short form. You should know about these important slangs so that you can become a successful medical transcription professional in the future. 1.  Meds - Medications 2.  Fluoro - Fluoroscope 3.  Bili - Bilirubin 4.  Retic - Reticulocyte 5.  Chem - Chemistry 6.  Echo - Echocardiogram 7.  Primip - Primipara  (a female who gives her first child birth). 8.  Cysto - Cystogram 9.   Dc'd - Discontinued 10.  Trach - Tracheostomy 11.  Dig or Dij - Digoxin 12.  Coag - Coagulants 13.  Fib - Fibers 14.  Ca or CA - Calcium 15.  K - Potassium 16.  Multip - Multiple 17.  Lap Chole - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 18.  'crit - Hematocrit 19.  Peds - Pediatrics 20.   Mets - Metastasis 21.  Lytes - Electr...