
Showing posts from July, 2015

Medical Terminology Course

This is the continuation of medical terminology lesson prior to this post. Now, we will see more important medical terms used in medial transcription field. 1. Mono - One or single 2.  Poly- - More than one 3.  Hema- - Pertaining to blood 4.  Intra- - Within 5.  Hyper- - Above excessive 6. Nephro- - Pertaining to kidneys 7.  -opsy - To view 8.  Ichthyo- - Pertaining to fish 9.  -ectomy - Excisin of part or all of an organ 10.  Myelo- - Pertaining to spinal cord 11.  -plexy - A stroke or seizure 12.  Myo- - Pertaining to muscle 13.  Neo- - New 14.  Infra- - Situated below or beneath 15.  Pseudo- - False In the next post, we will learn more medial terminology suffixes and prefixes. Okay. Home Page Tags:  medical terminology course, medical terminology dictionary, medical dictionary, medical term, medical terminology online, medical termin...