
Showing posts from 2015

Medical Terminology New Words

This post is the continuation of Medical Terminology Course post prior. 1.  dys- painful (or) difficulty 2.  -genesis - condition of producing or forming 3.  exo- - outside 4.  -odynia - painful 5.  -lysis - breakdown 6.  -a - without 7.  -oma - tumor or mass 8.  histo- - pertaining to tissue 9.  -plasty - denoting plastic surgery 10.  -genic - produced by In the next post, we will see the completion part of this post. Ok. Come on. Home page

Medical Terminology Course

This is the continuation of medical terminology lesson prior to this post. Now, we will see more important medical terms used in medial transcription field. 1. Mono - One or single 2.  Poly- - More than one 3.  Hema- - Pertaining to blood 4.  Intra- - Within 5.  Hyper- - Above excessive 6. Nephro- - Pertaining to kidneys 7.  -opsy - To view 8.  Ichthyo- - Pertaining to fish 9.  -ectomy - Excisin of part or all of an organ 10.  Myelo- - Pertaining to spinal cord 11.  -plexy - A stroke or seizure 12.  Myo- - Pertaining to muscle 13.  Neo- - New 14.  Infra- - Situated below or beneath 15.  Pseudo- - False In the next post, we will learn more medial terminology suffixes and prefixes. Okay. Home Page Tags:  medical terminology course, medical terminology dictionary, medical dictionary, medical term, medical terminology online, medical termin...

Medical Transcription Training

In this post, we will study about some important suffixes and prefixes we are going to use in the medical transcription field on a day-to-day basis. 1.  -tomy - cutting or incision 2.  -graphy - process or recording or process of writing 3.  -oligo - deficient or scanty 4.  -logy - study of  5.  super- - above or excessive 6.  inter- - between 7.  -uria - pertaining to urine 8.  -pathy - disease 9.  post- - after 10.  -plasia - development or formation 11.  -algia - denoting a painful condition 12.  -osis - a condition usually abnormal 13.  -rrhea - pertaining to discharge (blood) 14.  meno- - pertaining to menses 15.  crypto- - concealed or hidden Tags: transcription jobs, medical transcription jobs, home medical transcription, medical transcription training, medical transcription online, medical transcriptionist Home Page: http...

Medical School Degrees

This post is the continuation of  Medical Professional Degrees . 1.  HCFA - Health Care Financing Administration 2.  HIMSS - Health Care Information and Management Society 3.  JCAHO - Joint Commision on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization 4.  CMA-A - Certified Medical Assistant - Admn. 5.  LPN/LVN - Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse 6.  RPT - Registered Practical Therapist 7.  MA - Master of Arts 8.  BA - Bachelor of Arts 9.  MBA - Master of Business Administration 10.  MSW - Master of Social Work 11.  MD - Medicinae Doctor, Doctor of Medicine 12.  MPA - Master of Public Admn. 13.  ADA - American Dental Assocation In the next lesson, we will learn about important suffixes and prefixes used in medical transcripton. Okay. Home Page

Medical Professional Degrees

In this post, we will know about important professional degree courses in medical profession. As a medical transcription learner, you should know about this, in general. 1. BS - Bachelor of Surgery 2.  AAMA - American Association for Medical Assistant 3.  RRA - Registered Record Administrator 4.  PA - Physician Assistant 5.  AHIMA - American Health Information Management Association 6.  AMA - American Medical Association 7.   AS - Associate of Science 8.  RN - Registered Nurse 9.  ART - Accredited Record Technician 10.  MAT - Master of Arts and Teaching 11.  BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts 12.  AAMT - American Association of Medical Transcription 13.  BSN - Bachelor of Science and Nursing 14.  CMA - Certified Medical Assistant - Clinical 15.  CMT - Certified Medical Transcriptionist The next lesson will continue the same post. To go to the prior post...

Units Used in Medical Transcription

1.  n.p.o. - nil per os - nothing by mouth 2. o.d. - omni die - every day 3. oz - ounces 4. pg - picogram 5. p.m. - post meridium - afternoon 6. p.r.n. - pro re nata - when necessary 7. q. - every 8. q.a.m. - every morning 9. q.h.s. - every night 10. q.i.d. - quarter in die - four times a day 11. q.a.m. - every morning 12. q.o.d. - every other day 13. q.6h. - every 6 hours 14. q.8h. - every 8 hours 15. S - sinister - left 16. SL - sublingual 17.  t.i.d. - ter in die - three times a day 18. U - unit In th next lesson, we will learn about MEDICAL DEGREES. Prior Lesson link: Home page:

Unit Measurement Symbols Used in Medical Transcription

1. mCi - millicurie 2. Mci - megacurie 3. mEq - milli equivalent 4. mEq/L - milli equivalent per litre 5.  mg - milligram 6.  mg/cc - milligram per cubic centimeter 7.  mIu - milli international units 8.  mL - milli litre 9.  mg/kg - milligram per kilogram 10.  mm - millimetre 11.  mmHg - milli metres of mercury 12.  mmol - millimole 13.  mOsm - milli osmol 14.  MU - micro units 15.  ng - nanogram The next lesson will be the continuation of this post. Prior Lesson link: Home Page:

Medical Transcription Abbreviations

1. gm - gram 2. hr. - hora - hour 3. h.s. - hora somni - at bed time 4. IM - intramusuclar 5. IU -  international unit 6. IV - intravenous 7.  J - Joule 8.  K - Kelvin 9.  kg - kilogram 10. km - kilometer 11. L - litre 12. lb. - pound 13. M - metre 14. MA - milli ampere 15. mcg - microgram Next lesson will continue the same topic. Home Page: Prior Lesson:

Important Abbreviations Used in Medical Transcription

1. a.c. - ante cebum - before meals 2. ad lib. - ad libitum - at pleasure 3. a.m. - ante meridium - morning 4. b.i.d. - bis in die - twice daily 5. C - Celsius 6.  cc - cubic centimeter  7.  cm - centimeter 8.  cm3 - cubic centimeter 9. d - die 10. dL - deci litre 11.  Eu - Ehrlich Units 12. F - Faraday 13. fL - femtoliter 14.  Ft. - feet 15. g - gram Next lesson will be the continuation of this part. Home Page:

Soon New Lessons will be updated...!!

Due to some personal works and other activities, I could not update lessons for the last few months. Soon, from this week, new lessons will be updated frequently. Thanks you for all your support for my blog in the last 7 years.