
Showing posts from March, 2013

Medical Terminology Words and Meaning - Lesson 331

We try to learn medical terminology. what is a medical terminology? a medical terminology is a medical word, that's all. what is the difference between an ordinary word and a medical word. Every medical term has three different components, such as, prefix, combining vowel, and a suffix. Each medical term word is an unique one with its special meaning. Take some examples, cardiologist, dental, myalgia. The above examples are medical terms. The first one cardiologist means specialist in heart ailments. How can we come to this meaning? only by dividing them in mind. How can we divide  cardiologist? We can divide this word like this cardi/o/logist. The first part prefix is cardi/ means heart. /o/ is the combining vowel, and -/logist means specialist. Take the second one dental. How can we divide them? dent/al dent/ means teeth and -/al means pertaining to. So, dental means pertaining to teeth.  Take the last medical terminology myalgia. what does it mean? my/-...

Understand Medical Terminology - Lesson 330

Aims of learning the medical language Medical transcriptionists are also called as medical language specialist or MLS, why because they should know everything about a medical term. Every MT should keep in mind how to analyze medical words by dividing them into its components, such as, PREFIX (word beginning), COMBINING VOWEL (the vowel O commonly joins one or two prefixes and suffixes), and SUFFIX (word ending component). Each medical terms is a complex medical term. So, analyzing them by splitting them into its component is very much important to understand the meaning of the word. Each component of a medical word is unique one. This type of understanding is important to understand the meaning of each term, so that you can recognize each term. By splitting each medical word, we do relate them and understand the structure of anatomy and function of the human body or any disease conditions etc. MTs should not try to just mug up the words to understand their meaning, it is t...

What is Hyperinsulinism? - Lesson 329

Hyperinsulinism - What is it? When pancreas starts to secrete more insulin than its normal level and this abnormal condition is termed as hyperinsulinism. Due to this abnormal state, the level of blood sugar decreased because the secreted insulin in great amounts draw the sugar out of blood and so this happens. This may happen separately or may be associated with any other disease conditions in the body. It is understood importantly that when beta cells in the blood enters into the pancreas, more insulin is secreted. Why this happens? When more amount of blood glucose in the blood, pancreas automatically secretes more insulin to draw more glucose from the blood. What are the normal blood sugar level? For normal adults, the fasting blood sugar level should be 70 to 100 millgram per deciliter (mg/dL).  Non-fasting blood sugar should be below 140 mg/dL.  Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia is a condition, in which less glucose is present in the blood due to over secretion of insu...